Page 27 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 27
July August
New contract for the two main Awarded the contract for the
wastewater treatment plans in Abu Rawash treatment plant,
Mecca, third largest contract in Egypt. Largest contract in the
Arabia. history of the company.
Pityuses together for water. Students from the UNESCO
Aqualia gathered councillors in master's degree interested in
charge of the municipal water our management.
services it manages on the island
to analyse the water and present
a responsible consumption
September October
SmVak launches an ambitious The Municipal Council of Molins
project to encourage people to de Rei and Aqualia set up a
drink tap water and promote Solidarity Fund to guarantee
restaurants that offer it. access to services like water and
sanitation to all citizens.
Boosting youth employment by For three days, Jerez de la
signing up to the Partnership for Frontera hosts the European
Dual Vocational Training. Benchmarking Cooperation
Workshop (EBC), a comparison
November and improvement activity of
the water cycle management
Remotely Piloted Aircraft System models, which gathers
(RPAs) technology now being representatives from 21
used on various activities in countries.
Oviedo related to the municipal
water service provided by December
International Day of Persons
with Disabilities. Aqualia
collaborated with five
organisations operating in
Oviedo, Segovia, Jerez, Villena
and Formentera/Ibiza in favour
of disabled persons.
Everybody united against Aqualia is recognised by the
gender-based violence. publication iAgua as the
most influential company in
the ranking of the 100 main
organisations in the water
Aqualia Moments 27