Page 46 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 46

Service                               Languages          Impact


                                               Galician          769,233 calls received.
         Telephone support through                               98,158 surveys completed: 73,239 of which
         the Customer Service Centre           Catalan           rate Aqualia as excellent, 14,465 as very good
         (Aqualia Contact),, letting users                       and 6,713 as good.
         carry out any process without         English
         having to visit an office in person.
                                                                 0.38% of the effective calls received were
                                               German            complaints.


                                               Galician          1.3 million visits in 2017.

                                               Catalan           40% of the interactions were made through
         Corporate website                                       Customer Service.
                                               English           The average duration of the connections,
                                                                 85% of which came from Spain, was longer
                                               German            than 2 minutes.


                                                                 3 local websites were published:
                                                                 30 corresponding to services
         Local websites                        Local             in Spain and 3 in Portugal.
         Aqualia Online                        Language
                                                                 142,347 requests.
                                                                 1.67% of the requests were complaints.

         Smart Aqua, App for mobile devices,                     8,905 users.
         to carry out processes related to the
         services provided by Aqualia whenever                   9,312 management actions made through
         the customer wants.                                     the App.

         The creation and management         The content of each website         Aqualia has reinforced its
         of local websites is a service      is adapted to the particulars       online position by adapting
         that provides added value           of each zone and service,           its websites to a new model
         to the communities where            and available in the official       centred around end-users. The
         Aqualia carries out activities.     languages of the region.            websites contain more visual
         These websites let consumers        The websites are all AENOR          content and are compatible
         access the virtual office to        certified, which ensures            with all mobile devices. All
         carry out customer service          compliance with Level AA            websites are accessible and
         processes, search for a nearby      accessibility requirements          AENOR certified, provide
         office, get relevant local          according to Standard               service-specific content and
         alerts and catch up on the          UNE 139803.                         are available in the official
         news concerning their local                                             languages of the zone.
         Municipal Water Service.            In addition to digital channels
                                             and telephone support, Aqualia
                                             provides in-person customer
                                             service at its offices.

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