Page 85 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 85
Aqualia is also a leader in equality for other orga-
nisations and actively participates in forums and
initiatives to debate and share its experiences of
the challenges and opportunities that arise in the
company when implementing and developing
equality policies.
Notable in 2016 was the company’s participation in
the “Towards gender balance in the management of
companies: opportunities and challenges” seminars
held and organised by the Secretary of State for
Social Services of the Ministry of Health, Social
Services and Equality, EEA Grants and the initiative
“More women, better companies” for the adoption
of measures that increase the presence of women in
pre-management, management and management
committee posts.
Aqualia has also undertaken awareness campaigns
that go beyond the employment ambit for Interna- Carmen Rodríguez, Aqualia’s Human Resources Director,
tional Women’s Day, the fight against breast cancer receiving the “Company socially committed to equality” award
granted by Avila City Council.
and gender violence.
Traditionally, women – because they joined the em-
ployment market later – have represented a lower
proportion of workers in companies, especially in
some sectors such as water management.
Round table, including Elena Barroso, the head of the legal
department, during the conference on gender equality in
Empowering female talent Carmen Rodríguez, Aqualia’s HR director, with a group of
Aqualia’s professionals in the Balearic Islands.
Women represent only 19.7% of the
workforce in the water sector . In
Aqualia, this figure rose to 28% of the
staff in 2016, six percentage points
more than the previous year (22% in
2015). 2 In 2017, Aqualia will start the procedures for renewing the
“Distinction for equality in the company” for three years.
3 Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Space with
the participation of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
4 Inter-American Development Bank, 2016. Infographics: Does
water have gender? Home surveys – most recent available
data for 17 countries..