Page 86 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 86


             MANAGEMENT                  TECHNICIANS               ADMINISTRATION               OTHER POST
              46       127               408      249               543      625                701     754

              238     328                733      597               270      406               4.825   4.886

             2015     2016               2015    2016               2015     2016               2015    2016
           All the employees in Spain have been taken into account for the calculation.  Male           Female

           Aqualia’s strategy seeks to balance the number
           of women in the organisation and reduce gender
           inequalities, especially in access to posts of respon-
           sibility within the company, through a programme to
           develop women by reinforcing their presence, visibi-
           lity and participation in the company’s organisation.

               Second Mentoring

               After the success of the first edition in
               2016, the Second Mentoring Programme           Participants in the Second Mentoring Programme.
               was held to promote female talent.
               This initiative, in which six women and
               their mentors took part, is designed to
               promote the cultural change towards                First Female Talent meeting
               gender equality as well as to orient
               and facilitate the professional career of
               the women identified as having high
               performance potential in Aqualia and               Framed within the Mentoring
               to transmit the company’s values and               Programme, the first feminine female
               know-how.                                          talent meeting was held during the
                                                                  year attended by successful women in
                                                                  management as well as the participants
           Aqualia also takes part in other external initiatives   in the programme, who supplied their
           designed to promote the number of women in             personal and professional experience.
           management posts such as the development
           programme for management of women with high
           potential in the EOI (Industrial Organisation School)
           in which two women from the company took part
           this year.

        86                                                                                       2016 REPORT
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91