Page 84 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 84
Equality between men and women in access to
employment and to opportunities relating to the
development of their professional careers is a fun-
damental principle in Aqualia, which continuously
works to give visibility to the talent of the women
working in the company.
Equal opportunities work in
Aqualia’s recruitment processes
continue to be made under the model
of selection by skills which consists of
preparing a questionnaire containing
the same questions to be answered by
all candidates seeking employment,
after analysing the skills needed for Cristina González, Head of Service in Santiago del Teide.
undertaking their functions.
This method allows the uniform
comparison of the answers, guaranteeing Aqualia’s work in this matter hinges around the
equality and preventing discrimination second Equality Plan for 2015 – 2018, approved
during the process. jointly with representatives of the major trade unions
nationally and that includes specific measures
to fight against inequality for reasons of gender.
For the third consecutive year, these measures
have been distributed to the entire staff through
the training in equal opportunities included in the
employees’ training sessions.
Since 2011 Aqualia has held the
“Equality in the Company” award as a
recognition by the Ministry of Health,
Social Services and Equality of the
company’s commitment to eliminating “Company socially
barriers between men and women committed to equality”
within the employment ambit.
In 2016, the municipal council for
equality between men and women of
Avila City Council recognised Aqualia
as a “Company socially committed to
equality” in a ceremony held within the
framework of International Women’s
Day for values given to the information
measures and actions undertaken in the
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