Page 87 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 87

Zero tolerance for gender violence

                                                              Aqualia undertakes an important work every year
                                                              to end gender violence through the publication,
                                                              start-up and participation in various awareness
                                                              campaigns to mobilise employees and the public.

           First Female Talent meeting group.


               Nearly 2,000 employees have shown
               their support on the Web site through
               photographs and messages against
               gender violence in the form of a large
               heart, the symbol of the campaign, and
               its publicising in the social networks with
               the use of the tags #AqualiaContigo and

               The localities in which Aqualia is present
               have also shown their solidarity, support
               and total rejection of gender violence
               through initiatives such as the signing of     Image of the heart formed with the photos of employees,
                                                              showing their support for gender violence victims.
               adhesion to the social pact by a Talavera
               de la Reina free of gender violence,
               among others.
                                                              Diversity and social inclusion

                                                              In the ambit of diversity, Aqualia works for the social
                                                              and employment inclusion of the disabled and other
                                                              vulnerable groups, contributing to normalise their
                                                              situation, improve the group’s employability and
                                                              enrich the working environment.


            Familia Fundación         Agreement with           Awareness seminar         Integration of persons
            Adecco plan aimed at      the Fundación            in aqualiaContact to      with intellectual
            the children of emplo-    Prevent to facilitate    work with persons at      disability in work
            yees with a certified     the undertaking of       risk of exclusion.        teams through the
            disability greater than   non-employment                                     Fundación Síndrome
            or equal to 33%.          practices for persons                              de Down.
                                      at risk of social
                                      exclusion and with
                                      the Fundación ONCE
                                      (through the FCC

           5. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN AQUALIA                                                                 87
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