Page 23 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 23

The identified stakeholders are the indi-                                                   G4-19, G4-20, G4-21, G4-24, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27 09
viduals, organisations and institutions that
influence or become influenced by the         company's decisions, ranging from Public
                                              Administrations to employees.

Public authorities     Consumer               Media             Users                        Suppliers  Employees
                       organisations and

Municipal,             Consumer               Local, National and Irrigation                 Strategic and Local Operating
Regional, National     Organisations          International     Associations                                              Structure
and European           Communities                                                                                        Functional
Prices Commission      and Irrigation         Town Council      Neighbourhood                                             Structure
                       Associations           Communication     Associations                                              Production
                                              Offices           Public Centres                                            Personnel (Middle
                       Ecologist              News Agencies     Industries                                                management)
                       Organisation           Citizens          Town Councils                                             Production
                       Associations                                                                                       Personnel (Contract

Aqualia implements its Corporate              sustainable management and guaranteeing        Ethical Code and its suppliers to know
Responsibility principles on all activities   a positive impact on society. To this end, it  about and understand it.
it carries out with the aim of securing       requires its employees to comply with its

Active dialogue with stakeholders

With the aim of identifying the most signif-  The latest study involved issuing all employ-  The issues identified form part of the com-
icant economic, social and environmental      ees with a survey and organising several       pany's Corporate Responsibility strategy
aspects for stakeholders, Aqualia regularly   focus groups where the representatives         and are incorporated to its plans of action.
conducts studies on each one of them.         of the external stakeholders were given
                                              the chance to freely express their concerns
                                              and interests.

                       External stakeholders                                  Employees

MOST RELEVANT ASPECTS  ❚❚Setting Aqualia's strategy.                          ❚❚Initiatives to improve water quality.
                       ❚❚Dialogue with stakeholders:                          ❚❚Actions to facilitate professional development.
                       ❚❚Objectives and degree of compliance.                 ❚❚Improvements in customer service.
                       ❚❚Definition of the company's activity.                ❚❚Measures to ensure equality and diversity.
                       ❚❚Information on social performance.                   ❚❚Actions to improve occupational health.

                       External stakeholders                                  Employees

LESS RELEVANT ASPECTS  ❚❚Information on corporate governance.                 ❚❚Actions to promote the sport.
                       ❚❚Information on financial performance.
                       ❚❚Information on performance in managing the team.     ❚❚Collaborative efforts with universities and promotion
                                                                                of culture.

                                                                              ❚❚Initiatives to improve transparent billing and moni-
                                                                                toring of consumption.

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