Page 22 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 22

09 G4-1, G4-25, G4-26

    Corporate Social Responsibility

Our vision

❚❚Ensuring complete, honest and transpar-     ❚❚Maintaining an active dialogue and re-
  ent behaviour.                                sponding to stakeholders.

❚❚Extending corporate values to the entire
  value chain.

Aqualia regards Corporate Responsibility      The company defines its model based on      1.	Connecting with the public
(CR) as the implementation of a business      the principles of action of the FCC Group
model that, as well as adding value to the    to which it belongs: connecting with        2.	Transforming institutions into the
company and guaranteeing the necessary        the public, implementing intelligent           key players of a sustainable city.
profitability and competitiveness, actively   services and engaging in exemplary
boosts the company's progress, and instils    conduct by the company and all of its       3.	Promoting our social initiatives.
trust and drums up support among its main     employees.
stakeholders: Public administrations, organ-                                              4.	Innovative and sustainable
isations, media, users, suppliers, employees  Based on these commitments and in con-         services.
and society in general.                       junction with the needs and expectations
                                              analysis of stakeholders, Aqualia has es-   5.	Conduct in line with the company's
                                              tablished its own lines of action that are     values.
                                              incorporated to the company's operations:

                                              FCC CR Master Plan

Connecting with the public                    Smart Services                              Exemplary conduct


                 Stakeholders                 Measurement, analysis
                                                 and improvement


                                              Aqualia CR Master Plan 2016

Connecting with  Transforming                 Promoting our                Innovative and         Conduct in line
the public       institutions into            social initiatives.          sustainable services.  with the company's
                 the key players of a                                                             values.
                 sustainable city.

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