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Innovation to serve the public

Aqualia, as a management company of a resource as necessary                                       Aqualia maintains permanent contact with the different agents
for life as water, takes its responsibility towards society and                                   in its environment to enhance and improve its R&D activity,
the environment by engaging directly in the development of                                        developed by the Department of Innovation and Technology.
its strategy for R&D. In order to provide the best resources for                                  Innovation projects are undertaken by the participation and
projects, the company participates in major European, national                                    involvement of all personnel of the organization in all processes,
and regional R&D projects related to water management.                                            from identifying opportunities to their implementation, and are
                                                                                                  designed to improve performance in three specific areas: quality,
During 2014 morethan 3.1 billion euros                                                            sustainability and intelligent management.
have been invested in R&D


   Ongoing dialogue                                                       Selection of R&D                                        Sustainability
Aqualia - stakeholders                                                          Projects

                                                                                                                                  Intelligent management

A large number of the projects developed by Aqualia have been                                     that the company develops, the one related to a more intelligent
co-financed by the Spanish Government or the European Union                                       and sustainable complete water cycle management stands out.
(7ºPM, LIFE+, Eco-Innovación, etc...). Among the lines of work

Collaboration with universities and research centres

Sustainability                        Quality                                                     Santiago de Compostela          Santander

    CDTI Sólidos Sostenibles (2012*)                                                                                                              San Sebastián
    CEIT - San Sebastián
    USAL - Salamanca                  MIMAM MBBR Hybacs (2010*)                                   Vigo                            Valladolid                               Terrassa
    UVA - Valladolid                  USAL - Salamanca                                                        Salamanca
    AINIA - Valencia                  Incite MBR Trainasa (2012*)                                                                             Alcalá de Henares
    UPV - Valencia                    USC - Santiago de Compostela                                              Badajoz           Madrid
    CENIT VIDA (2014*)                U. Vigo                                                                           Seville
    UCA - Cádiz                       Incite ELAN Trainasa (2012*)                                                     Cádiz                                     Valencia
    UVA - Valladolid                  USC - Santiago de Compostela
    Fundación Cajamar - Almería       U. Vigo                                                                                     Puertollano                    Alcoy
    IDEA REGENERA (2015)              CDTI ELAN Vigo aqualia (2013*)
    UAL - Almería                     U. Vigo                                                                                                     Almería
    INNPACTO DOWSTREAM (2015)         USC - Santiago de Compostela
    ITC - Canary Islands              Innpacto Filene (2014*)                                                                                                              ITC Canary Islands
    TECNALIA - San Sebastián          UCM - Madrid
    UCA - Cádiz                       Innterconecta Alegría (2014*)
    FP7 ALLGAS                        USC - Santiago de Compostela
    UCA - Cádiz                       Innpronta ITACA (2014*)
    UAL - Almería                     USC - Santiago de Compostela
    RETOS RENOVAGAS                   UAL - Almería
    CSIC-IPC - Madrid                 UAH . Alcalá de Henares
    TECNALIA - San Sebastián          Life Remembrane (2015)
    CNH2 - Puertollano                Leitat - Terrassa (Barcelona)
                                      Innova Inpactar (2015)
Intelligent management                U. Cantabria - Santander
                                      Life Memory
    Innpronta IISIS (2014*)           UPV / UV - Valencia
    IMDEA Agua - Madrid               Life Biosol water recycling
    UV / UPV - Valencia               CENTA - Seville
    UPV - Alcoy
    Innterconecta Smartic (2014*)                  * Finished projects
    UEX - Extremadura
    Water JPI Motrem                                                                                                              Helsinki
    URJC Madrid

          International research centres                                  Water JPI Motrem                           Delft                Berlin
                                                                          URJC Madrid             Southampton                     Oberhausen
                  FP7 ALLGAS                                              U. Helsinki - Finland
                  Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Umsicht - Oberhausen - Germany  U. Stuttgart - Germany                                   Stuttgart
                  Southampton University- United Kingdom                  U. Torino - Italy
                  FP7 UrbanWater (2015)                                   FP7 SWAT (2013*)                                        Turin Zagreb
                  U. Zagreb - Croatia                                     IGV - Berlin - Germany
                  CDTI BESTF2 BIOWAMET                                                                                    Madrid
                  TU Delft - Netherlands                                  * Finished projects
                  Southampton University- United Kingdom

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