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R&D Projects.

During 2014 Aqualia has worked with 22 national and 7                          Department of Innovation and Technology, which currently has
international centres for the development of 17 projects with                  34 people.
8 patents pending that require the dedication and commitment
of highly specialized personnel. 6 of these projects have been                 Aqualia is working on the following R&D projects:
completed, while the rest will be under study during 2015.
Moreover, 6 new additions have strengthened the team of the

PROJECT                OBJECTIVES                                                               INNOVATION CENTRES,


Cenit VIDA             Obtaining a revolutionary system of municipal water use using            UCA, UVA, Fundación Cajamar
(2014*)                microalgae to produce energy rather than consuming electricity.

FP7 Allgas             Production of biofuels from wastewater nutrients, based on               UCA, UAL, Fraunhofer Institute
                       microalgae and recovery of the obtained biomass. Demonstrative           Umsicht, Southampton University

Innpacto Downstream    Processes of concentration and recovery of biomass produced in the ITC, TECNALIA, UCA
(2015)                 microalgae based purification systems.

Reto Renovagas         Biomethane production from renewable CO2 and H2 (power2gas) in CSIC-ICP, TECNALIA, CNH2
                       the production of biogas.

Idea Regenera          Zero discharge water treatment plant, using microalgae-based             UAL
(2015)                 production processes and bio-fertilizers.


Innpacto Filene        Anaerobic reactor with ceramic membranes for the transformation          UCM
(2014*)                of industrial effluents in bioenergy.

Innterconecta Alegría  Recovery of industrial effluents with anaerobic reactors to              USC
(2014*)                membrane and algae cultivation, minimizing waste and energy.

Innpronta ITACA        New technologies for sustainable water treatment, reuse and              USC, UAL, UAH
(2014*)                maximizing recoverable products and advanced process control to
                       minimize environmental impacts.

Life Remembrane        Prolonging the life of reverse osmosis membranes, with specific          Leitat
(2015)                 constraints to transform waste into a resource (for example, water
                       reuse applications).

Innova Inpactar        New integrated and compact hybrid biological reactors as                 U. Cantabria
(2015)                 decentralized and automated solutions for small plants.

Life Memory            Demonstration of an anaerobic reactor with membranes for urban           UPV, UV
                       effluents, producing bioenergy and water reuse.

Life Biosol Water      Demonstration of an advanced treatment plant with microalgae for         Centa
Recycling              reuse water and energy use.

Eco-Innovation         Evaluation of a new on-site hypochlorite generator, with ceramic         CeramHyd SA
Cleanwater             membranes in three different applications (water treatment, reuse
                       and disinfection, desalination).


Innpronta IISIS        Creating a sustainable and self-reliant housing development,             IMDEA Agua, UV, UPV
(2014*)                rethinking citizen services with intelligent infrastructures, combining
                       new decentralized treatments with automated control.

Innterconecta Smartic  Monitoring raw water from reservoir's and controlling the quality of UEX
(2014*)                purification both online and in real time.

FP7 UrbanWater         An innovative smart technology interactive platform, integrating         U. Zagreb
(2015)                 modules for decision making, real-time data management and leak
                       detection to improve complete water management in urban areas.

JPI Motrem             Development of integrated processes for monitoring and removing          URJC, U. Helsinki, U. Stuttgart, U.
                       emerging contaminants, especially for water reuse.                       Torino

(2014*) Projects completed in 2014 • (2015) Projects to be completed in 2015.

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