Page 32 - aq_mrsc_eng_af2low
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Water quality
The company has a Strategic Quality Plan intended to provide goal is to have information on collection, treatment and water
a service with the highest levels of quality and efficiency for supply infrastructures as well as laboratories for water quality
customers, besides complying with the standards required by the control, among other things, to detect possible failures and risks
public administration. This plan includes a number of monitoring associated with drinking water.
indicators that assess the degree of improvement of service
and that fall into four categories: quality of water supplied and The result of this concern for water quality and service in general
refined, quality of service, technical performance of the network is evident in the results of satisfaction surveys carried out with
and customer service level. institutions whose average rating for the service provided by
Aqualia is 3.91 points out of 5 and the end customer, for which
Quality assurance and control. 69.8% of users are satisfied with the quality of service.
The commitment to Aqualia’s quality translates into specific work Citizens have public information on controls and quality standards
practices that enable the organization to respond to regulation on the website of the SINAC ( and local
and controls established by the management. An example of this websites where Aqualia offers its services (also available in
is that 98% of Aqualia facilities are certified to the UNE-EN ISO
9001:2008 quality management standard and the UNE-EN ISO
14001:2004 environmental management standard. Service improvement initiatives.
Aqualia has launched the AquaRating rating system for water
and sanitation suppliers.
AquaRating is the product of a joint development process led by
the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in close collaboration
with the International Water Association. The design and test
stages have had the valuable contributions of water service
suppliers and regulators as well as renowned international
experts and government agencies, multilateral organizations,
national development agencies and other relevant actors in the
water sector. The initiative includes more than 100 operators
from its launch 10 years ago.
As a novelty, in 2014 the deployment of GlobalSuite application EBC (European Benchmarking
was launched, which can analyse together the management Cooperation) andthe AquaRating
systems information of certifications available to the company system have been protagonists ofthe
(ISO 9001, 14001, 17025, 50001, 14064 and 166002) for all analysistool panel and comparison
contracts and countries. Among the features of the application, ofthe AEAS Conferences: Regulatory
audit management or water quality incidents stand out. International Review
In order to ensure the quality of water supplied and that is Aqualia focused onthat occasion
supplied in sufficient quantity, a daily monitoring and control of on explainingthe usefulness
the collected and distributed water is performed. AqualiaLAB, of AquaRatingto increase
Aqualia’s laboratories are water testing certified according to competitiveness andtransparency in
UNE-EN ISO 17025, play a fundamental role in the determination the sector.
of quality, having made this year 1,085,781 parametric
measurements, of which more than 99.8% have been in line
with the standard.
Aqualia reports annually data on water management to the Intervention of Mariano Blanco at the AEAS Congress:
Water Consumption National Information System (SINAC), Regulatory International Experiences
under the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality. The
SINAC has various working groups
and one ofthem is led by Aqualia. It
isthe working groupto improvethe
transparency of information on water
quality for users