Page 54 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 54

Fifteenth Edition
         of the International
         Children’s Drawing


                                             development as a paperless          This year, in addition to the
                                             contest.                            educational nature of the
                                                                                 contest, we developed a
         The fifteenth edition of the        Participants were able to trace     video and didactic comic
         international children’s digital    the path that the water follows     book whose message was
         drawing contest was presented       from when it is used in their       estimated to have reached
         on World Water Day. Similar         homes until its return to the       150,000 school children, 6,800
         to previous editions, a specific    environment after treatment         teachers, 2,000 employees,
         microsite fostered children’s       and the different uses              1,000 local governments and
         use of new technology and           of wastewater at                    850 media outlets.
         contributed to sustainable

                                                     Nearly 8,500                    10 winners     1 winner
                                                     contest participants
                                                                                          250 Finalists

         Eighth Edition of
         the Toddler-Artists

         The International Toddler-          of the work that their relatives    nephews and nieces of Aqualia
         Artists Contest was created         do in the different stages of       employees. Keeping the planet
         to teach young children             the comprehensive water             clean, purifying and recycling
         responsible and sustainable         cycle. The stars of this year’s     used water.
         natural resource consumption        interplanetary challenger were
         habits and give them an idea        the children, grandchildren,

                                                       Over 100                      1 cat. winner  1 cat. winner
                                                    contest participants
                                                                                            10 Finalists

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59