Page 55 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 55

Students and youth

         Aqualia conducts                    In Sant Antoni (Ibiza), Aqualia     the city. The pupils were thus
         awarenessraising                    organised an educational trip       able to see how the plant’s
         campaigns for children              for 200 pupils in the third year    dual stage filtering systems
         and young people, managing          of secondary school. Under          with continuous scrubbing
         open day workshops and visits       the slogan “taking care of our      filters actually works.
         to facilities so that they can      water to build a better world”,
         get a firsthand view of the         the children participated in        Oviedo students also visited
         comprehensive water cycle           workshops and were treated          the Malpica Wastewater
         management and tips on how          to a magic show to learn            Treatment Plant, where they
         they can use water responsibly      about the desalination process,     saw a demonstration of a
         every day. In Écija (Seville), for  an essential activity for the       camera-equipped robot
         instance, schoolchildren visited    island’s water resources.           internally inspecting the
         the Wastewater Treatment                                                sewerage network.
         Plant where they learned how        In Dénia (Alicante), we
         dangerous waste such as paper       partnered with the local            SmVak held its third straight
         towels that we often toss into      government to organise visits       “The tree of life”, an annual
         drains or flush down toilets        for 218 local schoolchildren to     interactive environmental
         can actually be. Activities of      the Beniadiá Drinking Water         education and
         this sort are further proof of      Treatment Plant (DWTP).             awarenessraising
         Aqualia’s commitment to the         The purpose of the visit was        programme for schools.
         environment by educating            to give students a firsthand
         from the start.                     glimpse of the process that         These activities were designed
                                             water undergoes from capture        to teach schoolchildren and
         The Valverde del Camino             to tap and, especially, the         instil a sense of responsibility in
         wastewater treatment plant          drinking water purification         that society as a whole should
         (Huelva) welcomed first-year        process.                            progress with respect to the
         secondary school visitors. The                                          use of water and sanitation.
         pupils learned about the local      50 third and fourth year
         comprehensive water cycle           pupils from Primaria de
         and received indications on         Fraga (Huesca) visited the
         making a responsible use            facilities at the Drinking Water
         of the sanitation system            Treatment Plant managed by

         Open day workshops with pupils at the Ávila Wastewater Treatment Plant.

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