Page 57 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 57

Thirteen ways of
         taking care of water
         that nobody every
         told you about

         For many places in Spain, 2017      prominently includes the very
         was an exceptionally dry year.      didactic video “Trece maneras
         With a view to promoting            de cuidar del agua como nunca
         responsible consumption             te habían contado” (Thirteen
         and raising the awareness of        ways of taking care of water
         consumers, we developed             that nobody every told you          “Thirteen ways of taking care of water that nobody
                                                                                 every told you about” video.
         a campaign that also                about).

         Benefits of
         tap water

         In commemoration of the 50th        had to taste the difference
         anniversary of Bilbao’s water       between their city’s tap water
         utility, the CABB (Consorcio        and another type of water.
         de Aguas de Bilbao Bizkaia)         The action resulted in
         and with a view to showcasing       numerous advantages for
         the quality of tap water, we        citizens consuming tap water,
         organised an event to invite        not only because of its quality,
         all Bilbao residents to take        but also for the environmental
         up an interesting challenge.        and economic benefits of            Showcasing tap water at a CABB anniversary
         Over 2,000 Bilbao residents         doing so.                           commemoration information stand in Bilbao.

         Responsible use
         campaign in Ibiza
         and Formentera

         The responsible use campaign        management, for pertaining
         in Ibiza and Formentera             to the “Sustainable Living
         is another example of               in Cities” initiative under
         citizen sensitisation. In 2017,     the “Communication and
         the Forética Association            Sensitisation” category.
         recognised this campaign,                                               Juan Pablo Merino, Communications and CSR Director,
         which primarily aims to                                                 and Eduardo del Castillo, Balearic Island Delegation
         promote integrated freshwater                                           Director, accepting the recognition
                                                                                 from the Fóretica Association.

         Second Aqualia
         Journalism Awards

         With a view to shoring up           well-being of municipalities,
         Aqualia’s relationship with         the company launched the
         information professionals,          Second Aqualia Journalism
         whose contribution entails          Awards “Municipal water
         publicly conveying the              management”. The results will
         importance of comprehensive         be announced in the first half
         water cycle management              of 2018.
         for the development and                                                 Promotional image of the Second Aqualia Journalism Awards.

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