Page 107 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 107

Road Safety

         After drawing up the                the information regarding traffic
         new Health and Safety               accidents in 2016, informational          Aqualia promotes
         Policy furthering Aqualia’s         and educational materials were           safe driving through
         commitment to road                  created and distributed across                education.
         safety and gleaning all             all contracts in 2017.

         risk study

         We took a step forward in the       the risk questionnaires. The              44,313 employees
         psychosocial risk assessment        results are currently being              completed the 2017
         project that began in 2016 with     examined.                                  psychosocial risk
         a successful participation in                                                   questionnaire.
         2017 of staff who completed

         Occupational Health
         and Safety Charter

         Work continued in 2017 on the       • We jointly worked on the
         Occupational Health and Safety      proposals and solutions to
         Charter, in which representative    specific technical questions,
         of the majority trade unions and    thus increasing participation
         company management worked           options.
         together to improve safety
         conditions through dialogue
         and designing good practices.
         The following changes have                Area HR managers
         been made this year:                      had a greater role
                                                  in the Occupational
         • Area HR managers were                   Health and Safety
         included as members of                         Charter.
         the work forum.                                                        Reading the occupational health and safety charter
                                                                                at Sant Josep da Sa Talaia.

         Healthy company

         Aqualia has taken a step            common goal to galvanise a          which will assess available
         further in its Health and           more productive and satisfied       H&S data (accidents, sick
         Safety Policy and has set its       organisation.                       leave, medical checkups,
         goals on becoming a healthy                                             epidemiological studies,
         organisation. In this regard,       To kick off the project, a          etc.) and policies in place
         aspects such as reconciliation      general health dissemination        for improving health and
         (work-life balance), equality,      and promotion campaign              safety in the organisation.
         work organisation, health and       was rolled out together
         safety, etc., will be intertwined   with an examination of H&S
         and coordinated under a             management at the company,

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