Page 76 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 76


           Aqualia is currently positioned as one of the leading   in valuing discharges and the treatment of organic
           companies in the development of innovative solu-   waste water to obtain water for re-use and bio
           tions –with a large number of active projects- for   methane for the transport sector, among other
           the re-use of waste water and its conversion into   projects.
           new products through new anaerobic technologies

             FP7 All-gas

             Location: El Torno WWTP, Cádiz       The All-gas project for the production bio energy from the treat-
             Duration: 01/05/11 – 09/07/2018      ment of waste water contributes to the transformation of treatment
             Total budget: €11,820,564.14         plants into future energy factories with zero discharges.
             Aqualia: €8,098,099.82               The project’s objective is to convert micro algae into clean energy
             Participants: Aqualia (leader), BDI    by re-using the nutrients in waste water. The biomass generated in
             Bio Energy International, Hygear     the process will be converted in anaerobic processes to produce
             B.V., University of Southampton,     biogas which will be subjected to a purification process with an
             Fraunhofer – Gesellschaft.
                                                  innovative patent called  ABAD®  (absorption/adsorption).
                                                  In this patent, developed within the All-gas framework, the ABAD®
                                                  process provides a quality bio methane for use in combustion
                                                  engines and for injection into the mains. The great advantages
                                                  of ABAD® compared to traditional systems are the reduced
                                                  investment cost (almost 80% less) and the lower operating costs
                                                  since it dispenses with chemical reagents and pressure.
                                                  In 2016, the European Commission approved its extension for 24
                                                  months which was key to the success of undertaking the project,
                                                  immersed in the demonstration phase.
                                                  It should also be noted that since last summer, a car has already
                                                  been functioning with the bio methane produced from a prototype
                                                  with a smaller capacity (1,000 m ).

           Volkswagen-up that will test the biogas from the All-gas project.

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