Page 73 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 73

With this initiative, the company aims to know and
           assess the impact of its greenhouse gas emissions
           to identify opportunities for reducing and/or com-
           pensating the carbon footprint.

           Based on the results, an action plan has been
           defined that involves specific actions that contribute
           to reducing the company’s carbon footprint.

           Image of the promotional banner for Aqualia’s activity in
           calculating the carbon footprint.

              ƒ Internal and external communication and aware-    ƒ Extension of the project internationally: Czech
             ness campaigns.                                    Republic and Portugal:

              ƒ 2015 – 2016 carbon footprint reduction plan     ´   During the year, the carbon footprint of SmVaK
             (under review). Main actions:                         in the Czech Republic was defined and measu-
                                                                   res were taken to avoid the emission of more
             ´   Reduction of Scope 2 emissions: reduction         than 5,000 tonnes of CO  a year.
                of energy consumption by implementing and                                  2
                certifying an energy SG (ISO 50001).            ´   During 2017 the carbon footprint for Aqualia’s
                                                                   activity in Portugal will also be checked.
             ´   Reduction of Scope 3 emissions: reduction
                of total nitrogen release concentration in
             ´   Increase of fixed emissions: increased destina-
                tion of sludge for agriculture.

             ´   Increase in emissions avoided: increase in
                output of biogas for boilers and increase in the
                power output produced.
             ´   Renewal of vehicle fleet by acquiring electric

             ´   Participation in a MAPAMA CLIMA project.

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