Page 71 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 71

For this reason, and to comply with Royal Decree
           56/2016, approved in February, Aqualia decided         Actions defined for
           to implement an energy management system in
           2016, certified according to the ISO 50001 standard    implementing the ISO
           involving the setting up of quantifiable objectives to   50001 in all Aqualia
           optimise the use of energy resources in its activity.  contracts

                                                                  Improvement of the measurement
                                                                  systems by acquiring process, energy
                                                                  and maintenance equipment.

                                                                  Calculation and monitoring of the
                                                                  energy performance of pumps.

                                                                  Optimising and improving of processes
                                                                  in installations and production

                                                                  Investment in equipment with greater
                                                                  energy efficiency.

                                                                  Improvements in the maintenance of
                                                                  infrastructures and the system’s water
           Image of the certificate accrediting that Aqualia, in all its
           contracts, has adapted its working procedures to the ISO
           50001 standard.

                                                              Additionally, a change of strategy took place du-
                 Following the example of Aqualia in          ring the year regarding management of energy
                 Spain, SmVaK became the second               purchasing and the activity was centralised to
                 water management company in the              generate new opportunities before the renewal of
                 Czech Republic to implement and              the management contracts close to expiry. The im-
                 certify its activity as per the ISO 50001    mersion in the market prices indexed to the market
                 standard.                                    has favoured a saving of 20% in the contracting of
                                                              the electricity supply for next year (2017).

             INNOVA Impactar

             Location: Santander (“Las Llamas”    Financed by the government of Cantabria, the INNOVA project
             waste water pumping station)         seeks the energy efficient removal of nitrogen in treatment plants
             Duration: 25/06/12 – 25/06/2015      with a potential energy saving of up to 75% thanks to the aeration
             Total budget: €285,100               technology using silicone membranes (MABR) which eliminates the
             Aqualia: €179,572.60                 bubbles in the process.
             Participants:                        This project is a sustainable and competitive solution for the market
             Aqualia (leader), Environmental      which will facilitate energy self-sufficiency in large treatment plants
             Engineering Group (GIA) of the       while providing a compact and sustainable solution in small ones.
             University of Cantabria (UC).
                                                  The project also creates synergies between the service offered
                                                  by Aqualia in Santander and the University of Cantabria and
                                                  demonstrates new, decentralised solutions for intelligent cities.

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