Page 66 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 66

H2020 Sabana

             Location: Demo 1 – Almería and       Led by the University of Almería, the main industrial partner is
             Demo 2 to be defined in southern     Aqualia together with Westphalia (Germany).
             Spain                                The general objective of the H2020 Sabana project is to
             Duration: 01/12/2016 – 30/11/2020    demonstrate the technical, environmental and social feasibility of
             Total budget: €10,646,705            generating valuable products for agriculture and aquiculture using
             Aqualia: €2,552,812                  sea water and waste water as sources of nutrients.
             Participants: University of Almería
             (Coordinator), Aqualia,  GEA Westfalia   The work is being carried out in a 15 ha cultivation facility and a
             Separator Group, A.I.A., Consorzio   bio refinery to achieve new bio fertilisers and bio pesticides as
             Italiano Biogas e  Gassificazione,   alternatives to conventional chemical products using micro algae
             Biorizon Biotech,  Università Degli   for an agriculture that is more respectful with the consumer and
             Studi di Milano,  University of Las   the natural environment.
             Palmas de Gran  Canaria, Széchenyi
             István University, Karlsruher Institut
             fuer Technologie, Mikrobiologicky
             Ustav – Centre Algatech.

           Two new projects – WATER WORKS Pioneer and         more sustainable treatment plants in addition to
           CONECTA PEME Medrar – were started in 2016 in      those already being undertaken in this line.
           the area of quality, focused on the development of

             WATERWORKS Pioneer

             Location: Pontevedra (Spain)         The project is framed within the WATER JPI initiative in the
             Duration: 01/05/16 – 31/08/2018      European ERA-NET Cofund Water Works programme.
             Total budget: €1,805,245             WATERWORKS Pioneer tackles the challenges relating to the
             Aqualia: €183,106                    valuing of waste water from a holistic perspective to improve the
             Participants:                        sustainability of waste water treatment plants and the elimination
             University of Santiago de            of micro-pollutants, minimising the environmental impact of
             Compostela (leader, USC, Spain),     treatment using ELAN technology and the precipitation of struvite.
             Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
             (Denmark), Università degli Studi    It is led by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
             di Verona (Italy), Royal Institute of    together with other prestigious universities as well as Aqualia, the
             Technology (Sweden), Aqualia.        only company in the consortium.

             CONECTA PEME Medrar

             Location: Vigo (Spain)               Co-financed by the Conecta PEME programme, the Medra project
             Duration: 11/02/16 – 30/11/2018      is developing a modular system for treating waste water, applicable
             Total budget: €557,352               to small centres of population or small urban/industrial agglome-
             Trainasa (Aqualia): €136,931         rations as a more sustainable alternative to the systems currently
             Participants:                        used in areas with few inhabitants.
             Canalizaciones y Construcciones      The project is developing compact and fully automated modules
             Salnes, S.L. (leader), ASM SOFT, S.L.,    for integration in the rural environment with minimal impact and
             Tratamiento Industrial del agua, S.A.  cost to the community.

           Although no new products projects were started     pollutants and the LIFE Icirbus project the objective
           in 2016 in the ambit of intelligent management, the   of which is to demonstrate the possibility of re-
           area has continued to progress in developing the   using wastes from treatment plants in construction
           European JPI Motrem project that evaluates new     materials and to generate bio fertilisers.
           technologies for controlling and retreating emerging

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