Page 75 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 75

Clean-up of Estany des Peix                  Pityuses together for water                                                                   G4-S01 09

                                                                                               European Life Memory Project

In line with its environmental and social    With the aim of raising awareness                 The first follow-up meeting of the Life
policy, the company carried out an under-    among the entire population of Ibiza and          Memory project took place in 2015 and
water clean-up of the Estany des Peix, a     Formentera of the problems caused by              was led by Aqualia, alongside the German
lagoon located to the north of Formentera    drought, the overexploitation of lagoons,         company Koch Membrane Systems, the
in the Ses Salines Natural Park. Over the    the increase of consumption and restriction       University of Valencia and the Polytechnic
three days of clean-up, a large amount       of drinking water production, Aqualia             University of Valencia.
of plastic, sailcloths, bottles, tyres and   launched a campaign on responsible
wreckage were retrieved.                     consumption by distributing an advice             This project, which will be industrially
                                             leaflet to users.                                 implemented in a treatment plant run by
On this island, Aqualia also implements                                                        Aqualia, assesses the technical and eco-
other environmental awareness initia-        This campaign was presented to local media        nomic viability of an innovative technology:
tives, such as the International Children's  in a ceremony which had participation from        the Immersed Anaerobic Membrane
Drawing Contest and collaboration with       Aqualia managers and representatives from         Bioreactor (SAnMBR) to convert urban
the local radio to spread messages that      the municipalities managed on the islands:        wastewater into energy.
encourage responsible water consumption.     Ibiza, Sant Joan, Santa Eulària, Formentera
                                             and Sant Antoni.                                  The SAnMBR technology combines anaero-
   Initiatives like this demonstrate                                                           bic digestion with membrane ultrafiltration,
   that public-private collaboration         With this initiative the company once again       enabling the organic matter contained in
   is essential to promote action            demonstrates its eagerness to work to-            wastewater to be converted into biogas.
   geared towards raising                    wards improving the service it offers on          Furthermore, the final effluent produced
   awareness among citizens of the           the Pityusic Islands via its technical, training  is 100% suitable for reuse as irrigation or
   importance of looking after the           and informative solutions.                        industrial refrigeration water.
                                                                                               It is anticipated that Life Memory will:
                                                                                               reduce power consumption capitalising
                                                                                               on the biogas produced, reduce CO2
                                                                                               emissions by up to 80% and sludge
                                                                                               production by 50%, and reduce the
                                                                                               space taken up by the facility by 25%
                                                                                               compared to a conventional WWTP.

More information on the Life Memory Project can be found in the section on R&D&I projects.

Challenges 2016                                                Carbon footprint offsetting project.
                                                               PIMA projects (Environmental Promotion Plans)
Adaptation of ISO 14001 to the 2015 version.
Business continuity project (simulation as critical operator)                                                          Environment 75
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