Page 79 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 79

Lines of Action 2015

Beyond end-to-end water management, in       Activities that raise awareness among
2015 Aqualia launched actions geared to-     the general population and the youngest
wards connecting with the citizen-centred    generations in particular with the aim of
population, creating value and addressing    guaranteeing the sustainability of such a
the needs of today's society and anticipat-  valuable resource. The company has also
ing the needs of society in the future.      focused its attention on supporting sport
                                             and the most vulnerable and needy groups.
                                             Some of the lines of action implemented
                                             throughout 2015 include:

❚❚Organisation,                                                                         ❚❚Education and raising
  participation and                                                                       awareness.
  promotion of sporting
  events.                                    Sport  Childhood and

                         Social Action              University                          ❚❚Participation in
                                                    and culture                           forums and seminars
                                                                                          and collaborating
❚❚Committed to                                                                            with educational
  society.                                                                                institutes and

                                                         IS THE RIGHT TO WATER

                                                      Aqualia guarantees the Human Right to Water
                                                     in line with what is stated by the UN: water must
                                                    be sufficient, safe, acceptable, accessible and


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