Page 74 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 74

09 G4-S01                                             This activity serves as a useful tool to link    Since 2007, when Aqualia
                                                      the water uses with the economic ac-             began operating in Santander,
       This study analysed the water footprint of     tivity and the social and geographic             water supplied to the network
       the community (considered as the volume        reality of Cantabria, and it highlights the      has dropped by 23%, installed
       of freshwater consumed in human activity),     importance of considering green water            electric power by 28% and the
       establishing the impact of using water         (rainwater stored in the soil in the form of     CO2 emission to the atmosphere
       resources and identifying the trends. It also  humidity and freely absorbed by vegetation)      by 23%.
       sought to quantify the impact of consuming     as a crucial resource to help alleviate water
       water incorporated in the goods and servic-    shortage.
       es produced and traded by Cantabria, and
       to determine the water footprint generated
       in the area. This will help identify and
       boost activity sectors with optimal social,
       environmental and economic profitability.

Energy Management Systems

Aqualia has set itself an ambitious 3-year            This plan involves thoroughly monitoring         ❚❚Purchasing equipment with higher energy
plan to certify the whole organisation                the energy, controlling the installed power        efficiency, namely those related to RD
with standard ISO 50001 on energy                     and the evolution of the power consump-            187/2011 on establishing the ecological
efficiency. To this end, 15 contracts were            tion in the production facilities. To this end,    design requirements applicable to ener-
certified in 2015, another 30 are expected            actions have been geared towards:                  gy-related products.
to be certified in 2016 and some more in
2017. The contracts chosen were those                 ❚❚Improving measurement by purchas-              ❚❚Optimising and centralising the purchase
with a consumption higher than 1,300,000                ing process, energy and maintenance              of energy.
kWh/year, which make up 80% of the                      equipment.
overall consumption. This project complies                                                             ❚❚Adequately maintaining infrastructures.
with EU Directive 2012/27/EU of December              ❚❚Calculating the energy performance of          ❚❚Improving the hydraulic performance
2015 on energy efficiency.                              pumps.
                                                                                                         of the network, which will lead to less
                                                      ❚❚Optimising and improving processes,              consumption of water and thus power.
                                                        facilities and production equipment.           ❚❚Developing innovative projects.

Concern for the environment and society

Part of Aqualia's business strategy is to             For this purpose, the organisation took part
offer solutions that contribute to a more             in various activities throughout 2015, which
sustainable use of water. To this end, it             enabled the message about the importance
must encourage users to utilise all means             of sustainable resources to directly reach
within their reach.                                   clients, workers and society in general.

We do not want to leave a footprint.

In conjunction with the United Nations                Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and
Climate Change Conference in Paris                    the Ecology and Development Foundation
(COP21), Aqualia has drawn up a report                (ECODES), Aqualia has made a commitment
with the key concepts on climate change               to log and reduce the carbon footprint
and the carbon footprint to raise awareness           of all activities it carries out. This involves
among the general public and staff within             measuring and reducing the total amount
the company.                                          of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG)
                                                      emissions caused directly or indirectly by
Furthermore, by joining the initiative "One           the company.
million commitments for the climate",
launched by the Ministry of Agriculture,

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