Page 78 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 78

09 G4-EC7

    Serving society

Our vision

❚❚Incorporating social commitment into all    ❚❚Involving employees in social causes
  company decisions.                            through participation in sporting, cultural
                                                and educational activities.
❚❚Contributing to the development of mu-
  nicipalities where the company operates.

❚❚Ensuring citizens see us as company that
  provides value to their town.

 Main figures                            2013       2014                                        2015  €

Investment in social activities*       387,968    416,700                                    333,649

Collaborations on sporting activities  31,940     71,105                                     52,108   €

Collaborations with universities       8,200      8,200                                      2,440    €

* Corresponds to sponsors and collaborations, always in line with the company's sponsor policy. Does not include donations or costs of materials used
to organise social activities.

The United Nations estimates that 66% of      companies of such a valuable and essential
the global population will live in cities by  resource have a significant responsibility to
2050, 12% more than the current scenario.     help enhance society's sensitivity to and
This growth will lead to a 55% increase in    awareness of responsible consumption and
the global demand for water.                  use of water.

Aqualia, aware of its role in water man-      In 2015, Aqualia set several objectives
agement, works to mitigate the supply         geared towards improving its social com-
problems that may occur as a result of        mitment; their level of compliance is as
this increase in demand, focusing efforts     follows:
on improving the infrastructures and
technological innovation. Management

Compliance with 2015 challenges

 2015 Commitment                                     Level of  Remarks
To back new social projects (NGOs,                             Throughout 2015, Aqualia increased its involvement in
associations, etc.) in response to                100%         social action, which is demonstrated through donations,
stakeholders.                                     100%         co-funding of projects, solidarity funds for destitute
To strengthen the support and collaboration with  100%         families, etc.
universities.                                                  Aqualia continued to collaborate with universities and on
To strengthen support for sporting activities.                 the Master's Degree.
                                                               Throughout 2015, Aqualia continued to support
                                                               sport in the municipalities where it operates.

78 Society
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