Page 21 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
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In a national context, the Spanish Association of Water At Aqualia's stand, representatives from the company alongside
Supply and Sanitation (AEAS) held the thirty-third edition of Fernando Morcillo, chairman of AEAS; José Carbonell, secretary of AEAS;
its Technical Conferences which, as usual, paired up with an
exhibition space, in this case the Salón Tecnológico del Agua Javier la Calle, Mayor of Burgos; Juan Antonio de Miguel, Agua de
[Water Technological Showroom]. Aqualia once again set up Burgos manager; and Carline Blanco, Agua de Burgos president.
a corporate stand. These conferences, which took place in
Burgos, had participation from various water management
companies, suppliers and institutional clients, making it the
premier forum for the urban water sector in Spain.
As leader of the water management sector in Spain, Aqualia
had a strong overall presence, organising significant and
innovative activities in all aspects of the conferences (speeches,
stand, recreational events, etc.). For example, as part of the
program this year, Aqualia gave presentations on the water
footprint; European regulation; and the implementation of
R&D&I projects in production.
Aqualia involvement in business associations
International associations National associations
International Desalination Association (IDA) Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS)
International Water Association (IWA) Water and Sanitation Supply of Andalusia (ASA)
EUREAU Water Services Group of Catalonia (ASAC)
Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) Spanish Desalination and Reuse Association (AEDyR)
Spanish Association of Water Services to Populations (AGA)
Association of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in the Czech SEOPAN-AGUA
Republic (SOVAK)
Association for Water Management in the Czech Republic (SVH)
Czech Society for Trenchless Technology (CZSTT) Spanish Association for the Defence of Water Quality (ADECAGUA)
Czech-Polish Chamber of Commerce National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods (SERCOBE)
Association for the Development of the Moravia and Silesia Region IMDEA-AGUA
Operators Association of Supply and Sanitation in the Czech Republic Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation
Power and Water Forum Arabia Advisory Committee (Saudi Arabia) Business Association of the Water Sector of Andalusia (AESA)
Association of Employers of the Water Industry in the Balearic Islands
Water Advisory Committee Ditchley Foundation (UK) (ASAIB)
Association of Water Supply and Sanitation in the Community of Valencia
National Association of Water and Sanitation of Mexico (ANEAS) (AVAS)
Company Association of Urban Water Management in the Canary Islands
National Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) (ACEGUA)
Canary Islands Water Centre Foundation (FCCA)
Latin American Association of Desalination and Water Reuse (ALADYR)
Federazione Italiana dellemprese dei serviziIdrici, Energetici e Vari Basque Country's Environmental Industry's Cluster Association (ACLIMA)
Associaçao Portuguesa de Distribuçao e Drenagem de Águas (APDA) Modern Foundation
Associaçao das Empresas Portuguesas para o Sector do Ambiente (AEPSA) Spanish Biomass Technology Platform (BIOPLAT)
Urban Cluster ZINNAE for Efficient Water Use
Centre of New Water Technologies (CENTA Foundation)
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