Page 20 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 20
09 G4-6, G4-8
At the 12th edition of the IWA Conference
(Leading Edge Technology) of Hong
Kong, which gathered 300 experts in
water technology, Aqualia presented de-
velopments on the implementation of
the ELAN® process (Autotrophic Nitrogen
Removal) on the industrial effluents of the
Galician canning company Friscos.
There were subsequently another two XXIX ANEAS Annual Convention and Expo 2015 (Chihuahua, Mexico).
conferences organised by the WEF (Water
Environment Federation) in Washington In terms of the company's participation in Aqualia's participation in this
DC, one on waste and biosolids and the conferences and forums in Latin America, events reaffirms its solid commit-
other on water and energy. More than it is worth mentioning the stand that the ment to the American market.
1,500 people gathered to analyse the meth- company set up in the XXIX edition of the
od to avoid the generation of waste and ANEAS Annual Convention and Expo, In 2015, Aqualia also took part in Exponor,
maximise resource recovery from wastewa- which took place in Mexico and gathered the International Trade Fair for Mining
ter. Aqualia played a prominent role, which specialists, academics, entrepreneurs and Industry, setting up a stand where it dis-
included coordinating a workshop on the professionals from the drinking water and played some of the significant projects it
production of biomethane with anaerobic sanitation sector in Europe and America. has implemented in Latin America.
membrane reactors, which will be part of The stand received many delegates and
the project Life Memory. visitors who were interested in finding Meanwhile, the European Federation of
out about the company's comprehensive National Associations of Water Services
Meanwhile, for the first time, the com- solutions for the integral water cycle for held its 40th anniversary in 2015. Among
pany took part in the American Water public and private companies and bodies. other commemorative activities, it held a set
Summit (AWS), held in the city of Denver of conferences discussing the most burning
(Colorado), which is considered by many as issues faced by the sector. The international
the main event in the water sector calendar client manager at Aqualia engaged in the
in North America. round table on “Water matters for cities
and tourism”.
Also in the USA, Aqualia's International
Development Manager gave a speech at
the breakfast meeting organised by the
Spanish Trade Commission of Chicago for
responsible Spanish water management
companies in the American public sector.
Last but not least, the manager of the
Balkans local office recently participated
in the conference “Western Balkans
Regional Conference” on Public
Procurement. The conference, which took
place in Sarajevo, was organised by the
European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development and Aqualia seized the op-
portunity to talk about its experience with
public tender bidding.
International Water Association Leading Edge Technology 2015 (Hong Kong).
20 Company