Page 88 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 88

New anaerobic technologies,         exemplary of the efforts made       Spanish Climate Change Office
         waste recovery and organic          by several organisations led by     of the Ministry of Agriculture,
         wastewater treatment can be         Aqualia for recovering              Fishing, Food and the
         harnessed to produce reuse          wastewaters.                        Environment (MAPAMA) for
         water and biomethane for the                                            the use of alternative fuels
         transport sector. FP/ All-gas       Aqualia has been selected           related to the company’s
         and LIFE Methamorphosis are         in a CLIMA Project of the           activity for automobiles.

         FP7 All-Gas

         The All-Gas Project is a change     wastewater is used in the           lipidbased products or
         in wastewater treatment. A          internal needs of the process.      biofertilisers. Wastewater is
         positive energy balance can be      Moreover, all the produced          converted into a resource
         created without high electricity    biomass (over 20 g/m 2t/day) is     instead of a burden for the
         input because only a small part     available for other uses such as    public.
         of the energy inherent to the       fuel for vehicles (biomethane),

                € 11,820,564                        € 8,098,099                            Aqualia

                    Total budget                          Aqualia                             Leader

                  Location                                                              Participants
                  El Torno WWTP,                                                      BDI Bio Energy International
                   Chiclana de la                         7 years                     • Hygear B.V. • University of
                  Frontera (Cádiz)                      1/5/11-9/7/18                  Southampton Fraunhofer


                                              Sustainable Biofuel

                                       Demonstrate sustainable large-scale biofuel production
                                             based on a low-cost microalgae culture

                                                                              The European Commissioner
                                                                              for Climate Action and
                                                                              Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete,
                                                                              filling up a car with the
                                                                              biogas obtained in the
                                                                              All-Gas project.

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
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