Page 84 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 84
125,294 227,871
70,564 138,666
2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017
Direct renewable consumption (GJ) Direct fuel consumption (GJ)
(Generated biogas and electricity)
The measures that Aqualia Activity Carbon Footprint the Environment (MAPAMA)
carried out to control and Reduction Plan. To do so, the validated Aqualia’s carbon
reduce these consumptions are company has calculatedits footprint certificate for all its
supported by the company’s carbon footprint again this activities in 2016. The
ISO50001-certified Energy year, verifying the activity data Ministry’s MAPAMA seal is
Management System. for Spain and, as an addition recognition of a job well
for 2017, the activity data for done by the entire team
The company’s main goals in Portugal. as the company continues
the fight against climate change trailblazing global emissions
include reducing greenhouse The Spanish Climate Change calculation in the water
gas emissions as contemplated Office of the Ministry of management sector.
in the 2017-2019 Aqualia Agriculture, Fishing, Food and