Page 38 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 38
Communication plan
Forge a citizen perception Extend the company’s influence
of Aqualia as a company Institutions feel satisfied on local media outlets and new
that brings value to their to work with Aqualia media channels
Transform the Company Foster a sense of pride among employees, showing appreciation
into a sector benchmark insofar for their daily work, their approach to their tasks and the positive
as technology, innovation, consequences of their jobs on society, linked to values of progress,
sustainability and communication the environment and the creation of wealth in their regions
Press/Media. The most information that the company for the Year’s Best Video,
important initiative undertaken considers to be necessary and “Campaña de promoción
in 2017 directly focused on to convey to society. Two del agua de grifo de Bilbao”
the media in its dual role as examples of this medium were (Bilbao tap water promotional
reporters of information and “La gestión del ciclo campaign), which tallied
citizens who use the public integral del agua como approximately 13,000 views.
services that Aqualia provides. jamás te la habían contado”
(Comprehensive water cycle The company also organised
Video has been the new management as you’ve meetings with journalists at
medium for sending journalists never seen it before), which facilities, workshops and open
and the general public had nearly 9,000 views and days in the different regions
alike messages containing received the iAgua award and sites where Aqualia
furnishes its services.
II Aqualia
170,000 Journalism Awards
Minutes viewing the Aqualia “La gestión del agua
Youtube channel en los municipios” (Municipal
water management)
To streamline external Internally, the company the business and different
communications with end communicates with its company areas, in addition
users, we improved 33 employees through the to the different CSR-related
local websites, of which 3 Aqualia ONE intranet, actions and campaigns.
correspond to municipal water news flashes that employees
services in Portugal, and the receive via e-mail and
remaining 30 in Spain. We also Your Flash, the hardcopy
launched 3 new websites. newsletter distributed among had over 1.3 million
personnel without online visits in 2017.
Aqualia has reinforced its access. More information
online position by adapting of interest was sent to
its websites to a new model employees by e-mail in 2017.
centred around end-users. The Throughout the year, the 133 internal
websites contain more visual company launched a total communications
content and are compatible of 133 articles concerning regarding Aqualia
with all mobile devices. daily production activities, activities.