Page 37 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 37

Relevant Topics                                Report (GRI Indicators/Chapter)

                      Aqualia strategy definition
                 EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS  Organisation and presence at forums  “Participation in forums” in the Chapter “Experts
                                                                                 413-1 to 413-2
                      Social performance

                                                                     in Comprehensive Water Management”

                                                                       ““Customer service” in the Chapter
                      Customer service
                                                                          “Quality service within reach”

                                                                                 301-1 to 301-2
                                                                                302-1 to 302-5
                      Environmental management                                  303-1 to 303-3
                                                                                305-1 to 305-5
                                                                   R&D + innovation projects in “Smart Services”

                      Quality employment: reconciliation, equality,             403-1 to 403-4
                      diversity, professional development and                   404-1 to 404-3
                      occupational health and safety.                 Chapter “Quality service within reach”
                                                                                405-1 to 405-2
                 INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS  Environmental awareness and sensitisation  “Social sensitisation” campaigns in the
                                                                            “Customer service” in the
                      Customer service

                                                                       Chapter “Aqualia in the community”

                                                                            “Certified quality” in the
                      Water quality

                      Emissions (Carbon footprint calculation)        Chapter “Quality service within reach”
                                                                                305-1 to 305-5

                                                                      “Participation in forums” in the Chapter
                      Organisation and presence at forums
                                                                  “Experts in Comprehensive Water Management”


         Dialogue with the identified        community, and employees            influenced end users
         stakeholders is the key to          as representatives of the           (consumers), institutional
         achieving each one of the           company in everything they do.      customers, the media and
         goals set in the CSR Plan,                                              employees.
         primarily with citizens in          With this purpose, the 2017
         their capacity as users of the      Communication Plan included
         service, society insofar as         five strategic lines concerning
         contribution to the immediate       stakeholders that have

         04 AQUALIA’S REAL COMMITMENT                                                                        37
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