Page 32 - RSC Aqualia 2017
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Our Vision
• Guarantee upstanding, honest
and transparent conduct
and behaviour.
AQUALIA’S REAL • Extend our corporate values
COMMITMENT throughout the value chain.
• Maintain an active dialogue
and respond to stakeholders.
at Aqualia
Aqualia views Corporate approved its fourth Corporate the 2030 Agenda, sector
Social Responsibility as an Social Responsibility Master demands, and a clear purpose
integral and essential part Plan for the 2020 horizon, to bring value to the business
of our organisation. So structured on three lines have permeated the definition
much so, in fact, that the of action: Connecting with of the action programmes in
Aqualia business model citizens, Smart Services and the plan.
does not conceive the Exemplary Conduct.
pursuit of profitability and This CSR Plan constitutes the
competitiveness without The new CSR Master Plan cornerstone for framing the
considering its contribution was drawn up on based on new 2018-2020 CSR Master
to sustainable development. an analysis conducted for Plan that Aqualia is currently
social and environmental drawing up.
As part of the FCC Group, needs, and trends for the
Aqualia is able to achieve this long and medium terms.
profitable and committed These pervading aspects, Aqualia has been
business model with the namely the recent legislative publishing its annual
support of the model and regulatory developments, CSR report since
developed by the group, Sustainable Development 2006.
which, at the end of 2017, Goals (SDG) identified in