Page 29 - RSC Aqualia 2017
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         Nominated in seven categories       During the Global Water             partnership with the World
         and awarded in six of them,         Summit, one of the sector’s         Bank’s International Finance
         Aqualia triumphed at the awards     benchmark annual meetings,          Corporation (IFC) for
         ceremony of sector benchmark        Aqualia was selected as             Achievement in Sustainable
         publication iAgua magazine.         among the word’s best water         Development, with a focus
         In addition to being honoured       management companies                on Food, Water and Land,
         as the Company of the Year,         during the Global Water             Aqualia was recognised for
         Aqualia was also recognised in      Awards ceremony.                    the transformational effective
         five other categories, namely       The “Distinction Award”             of its New Cairo WWTP. The
         Best App (Smart aqua),              recognises the excellent            company’s drawing contest for
         Best Advertising Campaign           performance of the Aqualia          children was also shortlisted
         (#informacionrealdelagua),          team throughout 2017.               as a finalist for the “Tubos de
         Best Presentation (Maria                                                Ouro” (Golden Pipes), an award
         Ángeles Vicente, IT Director),      The company received                conferred by the Portuguese
         Best Video (Comprehensive           the “Distinction Award”             APDA at the ENEG, sponsored
         water cycle management as           in recognition of its               by the Portuguese Water and
         you’ve never seen it before)        excellent performance.              Waste Services Regulation
         and Best Contract (Abu                                                  Authority (ERSAR).
         Rawash WWTP).                       As a finalist for the
                                             Transformational Business           Aqualia, Transformational
         Aqualia selected as the             Awards conferred by the             Business Awards finalist.
         “Company of the Year”               world-renowned newspaper,
         by iAgua.                           the Financial Times, in

                           Aqualia works together with different public and private organisations to
               AND PRODUCTION  promote the efficient consumption of resources such as water. Our recognition
                           as Transformational Business Awards finalist in the category of Achievement in
                           Sustainable Development, with a focus on Food, Water and Land is proof of our
                           efforts. Aqualia provides support through technical assistance in the construction
                           of sustainable infrastructures with an approach of reducing the risk of drinking
                           water access problems and of fighting against the effects of climate change.

         Aqualia team with six awards conferred by iAgua magazine.

         03 EXPERTS IN COMPREHENSIVE WATER MANAGEMENT                                                        29
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