Page 95 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 95

Road safety

           Prevention in the ambit of road safety and the pro-
           motion of safe driving is also an essential question
           to improve the quality of occupational safety in the
           company. Progress in the framework of the Aqualia
           road safety campaign in 2006 included:

              ƒ A new health and safety policy was signed that
             reaffirms the company’s commitment to road
              ƒ Work was also undertaken on compiling informa-
             tion on traffic accidents to assess the incidence

              ƒ A sworn declaration was requested on the wor-
             kers’ driving capacity, especially regarding the
             points maintained on the driving licence.
                                                              Workers in the Lerida service during the presentation of the
                                                              Healthy Company programme.
           Healthy Company

           The Healthy Company programme encourages
           employment well-being by promoting physical        Aqualia: an example of occupational health and
           activity and sport, healthy food and habits and    safety
           collaboration with the community.
                                                              Every year, Aqualia takes part in forums and mee-
           The management unit in Lerida was the first work   tings, together with other leading institutions, to
           centre to start the initiative, joined in by all the   discuss best practices carried out in the company
           workers, offering incentives and activities proposed   within the ambit of the prevention of occupational
           by the employees themselves to live a healthier life,   risks.
           such as special prices in the gymnasium, nutritional
           advice and the distribution of fruit in the work   Notable in 2016 was the participation in the Foro
           place, organisation of group activities and sports   Altanto 2016 and in the Third Prevention Culture
           competitions, among others.                        Meeting, organised by the Andalusian Institute for
                                                              Prevention Culture (IAPRL) and the obtaining of
           Aqualia started the assessment of the workers’     recognition for its work in the workers’ health and
           psycho-social risks in 2016.                       safety.

           The objective is to progress and to continue dee-
           pening on questions surrounding the concept of
           occupational health and to detect prematurely the
           most frequent health problems among the workers
           and then to define specific measures that contribute
           to improving the results.

           The actions carried out in 2016 before the start of
           the risk analysis included:
              ƒ Definition of the assessment method to be used.

              ƒ Undertaking of a study to determine the “analysis
             units,” allowing the diagnosis surveys to be ma-
             naged with greater effectiveness.

              ƒ Awareness workshop for 20 persons in which
             prevention technicians, human resource managers   Aqualia discusses the mileposts and challenges to the company
             and workers’ representatives took part.          in the area of employment well-being during its participation
                                                              in the 2016 Altanto forum.

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