Page 100 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 100

About this


                      Once again Aqualia presents its Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2016,
                      prepared according to the option to follow in full the guidelines for preparing
                      sustainability reports in line with version G4 of the Global Reporting Initiative and
                      verified by an independent external entity (AENOR).

                      The analysis of the material content, index of GRI G4 content and verification report
                      are available at:

            , memoria 2016.

                      This new edition gives the most notable facts in matters of corporate responsibility
                      that have occurred in Aqualia during 2016 and is a new milestone in transparency
                      of communication with its stakeholders.
                      The structure and contents of this report are determined by the strategic lines of the
                      FCC Group corporate responsibility policy – connection with the public, intelligent
                      services and exemplary behaviour – and the materiality study also made in the
                      framework of the Group’s integrated report before its preparation.

                      The quantitative information reported is for the period mentioned although
                      references also made to the data for previous years to show the development of
                      the most important magnitudes.

       100                                                                                       2016 REPORT
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104