Page 98 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 98

G4-EC2   Point out what risks and opportunities from climate change could cause significant changes in operations, revenues or expenses. Among others:
         ƒƒa description of the risk or opportunity and its classification as physical, regulatory or otherwise;
         ƒƒa description of the effect related to the risk or opportunity;
         ƒƒfinancial consequences of the risk or opportunity before any action is taken;
         ƒƒthe methods applied to manage the risk or opportunity; and
         ƒƒthe cost of the measures taken to manage the risk or opportunity.

G4-EC3   ƒƒIf the obligations are covered by the organisation's regular resources, indicate the estimated value thereof.
         ƒƒIf there is a separate fund to meet the obligations of the benefit plan, indicate:
          ‚‚ what percentage of the obligations is estimated to cover assets that have been reserved for this purpose;
          ‚‚ what is the calculation based on; and when was the calculation made.
         ƒƒIf the outsourced fund does not provide complete coverage of obligations, describe the strategy, if any, that the company has taken to move towards complete coverage, and the term, if known, in which the company

          expects to reach it.
         ƒƒIndicate what percentage of salary the employee and company provides.
         ƒƒIndicate the level of participation in retirement plans (e.g., participation in mandatory or voluntary schemes, regional or national programs or those with a financial impact).

G4-EC4   Identify the total monetary value of financial assistance that the organisation has received from government authorities during the period covered by the report, with information concerning at least: relief and tax credits;
         subsidies; investment aid, grants for research and development and other relevant types of grants; prize awards; royalty exemptions; exportation financial aid from credit agencies; financial incentives and other financial
         benefits received or receivable from any government entity in connection with any transaction.
         ƒƒBreakdown of the above information by country.
         ƒƒIndicate if governments are part of the organisation's shareholding structure, and to what degree.


G4-EC5   ƒƒWhere the remuneration of a significant percentage of the workforce is based on the minimum wage rules, indicating the relationship between the initial wage by gender compared to local minimum wage in places
          where significant operations are carried out.

         ƒƒIndicate if there is no local minimum wage somewhere with significant operations or if this is variable, by gender. If different minimum wages can be used as a reference, indicate which is being used.
         ƒƒProvide the definition used to establish "places with significant operations".

G4-EC6   ƒƒIndicate what percentage of senior managers in places where significant operations are carried out come from the local community.


G4-EC7   ƒƒIndicate to what extent significant investments have been made in infrastructures and the organisation's types of services.
         ƒƒPoint out what impacts have taken place, or are expected to take place in the local communities and economies. Where appropriate, describe the positive and negative consequences.
         ƒƒIndicate whether such investments or such services are commercial, pro bono or in kind.

G4-EC8   ƒƒGive examples of the significant financial impacts of the organisation, both positive and negative.
         ƒƒDescribe the importance of such impacts from external references and priorities of stakeholders, such as standards, protocols and national and international political agendas.


G4-EC9   ƒƒIndicate what percentage of the budget for acquisitions in areas with significant operations are intended for local suppliers (e.g., percentage of products and services purchased locally).



G4-EN1   Indicate the total weight or volume of materials used to produce and pack the main products and services of the organisation during the period covered by the report.

G4-EN2   Indicate what percentage of recycled materials was used to manufacture the main products and services of the organisation.


G4-EN3   ƒƒIndicate the total fuel consumption of non-renewable sources, in joules or multiples of joule, and specify the type of fuel.
         ƒƒIndicate the total fuel consumption of renewable sources, in joules or multiples of joule, and specify the type of fuel.
         ƒƒGive details, in joules, watt-hours or multiples of the following: electricity consumption; heating; refrigeration and steam.
         ƒƒGive details, in joules, watt-hours or multiples of the following: electricity, heating, refrigeration and steam sales.

G4-EN4   ƒƒIndicate the energy consumption outside the organisation in joules or multiples of joule.

G4-EN5   ƒƒIndicate energy intensity.
         ƒƒExplain what measurement (the denominator of the fraction) has the organisation used to calculate the ratio.
         ƒƒIndicate what types of energy are included in the intensity ratio: fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam or all of the above.
         ƒƒExplain if in the relationship one considers the internal energy, external energy or both.

G4-EN6   ƒƒIndicate which energy consumption cuts are a direct result of initiatives for conservation and efficiency (in joules or multiples of joule).
         ƒƒIndicate what types of energy are included in the reductions - fuel, electricity, heating, cooling or steam.

G4-EN7   ƒƒIndicate which cuts in the energy requirements of products and services sold have been achieved in the period covered by the report (in joules or multiples of joule).


G4-EN8   ƒƒIndicate the total volume of water collection from the following sources: surface water, including water from wetlands, rivers, lakes and oceans; groundwater; rainwater collected and stored directly by the
          organisation; wastewater from another organisation; and municipal water supplies or other water companies.

G4-EN9   ƒƒIndicate the number of water sources that have been affected by collection and break them down by type: source size; if the water source is classified or not as a protected area (national or international); value in
          terms of biodiversity (species diversity and endemism, number of protected species); and value or importance of the source of water for local communities and indigenous peoples.

G4-EN10  ƒƒIndicate the total volume of water that the organisation has recycled or reused, in terms of percentage of total collected water in accordance with the G4-EN8 Indicator.


G4-EN11  Provide the following information for operational sites owned, leased, managed, which are adjacent, contain or are located in protected areas and unprotected areas of high biodiversity value: geographic location;
         subsoil or subsurface soils owned, leased or managed by the organisation; location in relation to the protected area (inside, adjacent to or including sections of the protected area) or unprotected area of great value for
         biodiversity; type of operation (office, manufacturing or production, mining); size of operational site in km2 and biodiversity value based on:
         ƒƒthe attribute of the protected area or the area of high biodiversity value outside the protected area (terrestrial, freshwater or marine water ecosystems); and
         ƒƒlists of area protection (for example, UICN67 management categories of protected areas, Ramsar78 Convention, national laws).

G4-EN12  Describe the nature of the direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity, referring to at least one of the following: construction or utilization of factories, mines and transport infrastructures; pollution (introduction of
         substances that do not occur naturally in the habitat from specific and diffuse sources); introduction of invasive species, pests and pathogens; reduction of the number of species; habitat conversion; changes in
         ecological processes outside the natural range of variation (e.g., salinity or changes in groundwater levels).
         Indicate the direct and indirect, positive and negative significant impacts, referring to the following aspects: affected species; surface of the affected areas; impact duration; and reversible or irreversible nature of those

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