Page 73 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 73
Project name Purpose and brief description
H2020 SABANA Construction of a 5 ha demonstration facility for microalgae
(2020) cultivation to produce new bio-fertilisers and bio-pesticides.
H2020 INCOVER Expanding the use of algae biomass in higher value products such as
(2019) biofertilisers and bioplastics while improving water recycling.
The project establishes and operates 2 hectares of
FP7 ALL-GAS algae cultures and a 2,700 m digester, the world’s first algae biofuel
(2019) plant. The project has been renewed to demonstrate operation of a
sustainable WWTP and move several vehicles over a long distance.
Use of Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors, the ELAN (Autotrophic
LIFE METHAMORPHOSIS Nitrogen Removal) and biogas scrubbing to convert urban waste
(2020) leachates into biomethane usable as a vehicle fuel for injection
into the natural gas network.
Implementation of new nutrient recovery concepts based on the
H2020 separation of gray and black waters. Parallel developments will
RUN4LIFE (2021) be made for new ways of harnessing the water-energy nexus
and controlling decentralised systems at 4 different sites.
VIRTUAL CSIC Digital modelling of multi-agent systems to identify challenges,
UAB (2020) opportunities and possible consequences in water management.
LIFE ICIRBUS Recycling effluents from purification/treatment plants and biomass
(2020) plants for construction materials and biofertilisers.
Reducing desalination energy costs by a factor of 10 compared with
conventional reverse osmosis. Microbial desalination cell (MDC)
(2020) technology is employed, activating bacteria with residual organic
material to move salts through membranes without using external
Application of Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology in a beer factory
(2019) to save energy in the process and recycle residual can aluminium
through electrocoagulation-based pre-treatment.
Implementation of advanced solutions for dynamic WWTP
VALORASTUR (2019) management that can optimise the energy ratio and reactive
consumption while minimising slurry generation.