Page 65 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 65

LIFE Answer

             Location: Guadalajara (Spain)        Life Answer consists of a system for treating waste water to
             Duration: 01/09/16 – 31/05/2019      recover nutrients with advanced electro-chemical systems
             Total budget: €973,408               (electro-coagulation processes and bio electro-chemical reactors)
             Aqualia: €265,172                    to save energy.
             Participants: Mahou San              This project allows the assessment of the fluidised bed bio elec-
             Miguel (Coordinator), Aqualia,       trogenic system developed by Aqualia during the ITACA project,
             Recuperaciones Tolón, University of   in collaboration with the University of Alcalá and later patented
                                                  with the name “Method for treating  waste water in a fluidised bed
                                                  ANSWER is being undertaken in the Mahou San Miguel brewery in
                                                  Guadalajara, the project leader.

           Two new projects have been started in the area
           of sustainability in the European Horizonte  2020
           programme , Incover and Sabana, added to two
           other projects already active in this same strategic
           line: FP7 All-Gas and LIFE Biosolware.

             H2020 Incover

             Location: El Toyo WWTP (Almería)     The objective of the programme is the development of innovative
             and El Torno WWTP (Cádiz)            ecological technologies to recover resources from waste water.
             Duration: 01/06/16 – 31/05/2019      Incover creates synergies with existing installations and the knowle-
             Total budget: €8,431,385             dge acquired previously with the FP7 All-Gas project to increase
             Aqualia: €878,625                    the use of the biomass of algae for products of greater value such
             Participants:  Asociación de         as bio fertilisers and bio plastics, improving the production of water
             Investigación Metalúrgica del        for re-use.
             Noroeste (AIMEN) (Coordinator),
             Aqualia,  Aarhus Universitet,        It is led by the Aimen technology centre and brings together 18
             Universitat  Politécnica de          companies and organisations from seven countries – Spain, France,
             Catalunya, Helmholtz-Zentrum  fuer   Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Greece.
             Umweltforschung gmbh
             - UFZ, Future intelligence erevna
             tilepikinoniakon ke pliroforiakon
             systimaton epe, Gregersen Peder
             Simbiente, Engenharia e Gestao
             Ambiental lda, Universidad de
             Valladolid, Solarspring gmbh,
             Teknologisk Institut, Autarcon gmbh,
             Instituto de Biología Experimental
             e Tecnológica, Renergie Systeme
             gmbh & Co kg, Biotrend – Inovacao
             e Engenharia em Biotecnologia
             S.A., Office International de
             l’Eau, Isle Utilities Limited, Iclei
             European Secretariat gmbh (iclei
             europasekretariat gmbh).

           2  Previously developed by Aqualia in the IISIS Project, together with Imdea Agua.
           3  European Union research and innovation programme (2014-2020.

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