Page 91 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 91

G4-19, G4-20, G4-21 09

                                                                                               GRI G4 CORRESPONDENCE

MOST RELEVANT ASPECTS                       Aspect                                             Section


Setting Aqualia's strategy.                 STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS                              G4-1, G4-2
Dialogue with stakeholders:                 PARTICIPATION OF STAKEHOLDERS                      G4-17 – G4-23

Objectives and degree of compliance.        STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS                              G4-1, G4-2
                                            FINANCIAL: financial performance.                  G4 EC1, EC4
Definition of the company's activity.       ORGANISATION PROFILE                               G4-3 –G4-10
Information on social performance.          SOCIETY: local communities.                        G4 S01

                                            FINANCIAL: indirect financial consequences. G4 EC7

EMPLOYEES                                   ENVIRONMENTAL: water.                              G4 EN8, EN9, EN10
Initiatives to improve water quality.

Actions to facilitate professional development. WORK PRACTICE: training and education.         G4 LA9-LA11

Improvements in customer service.           PRODUCT                                            G4 PR5

Measures to ensure equality and diversity.  WORK PRACTICE:                                     G4 LA12
                                            diversity and equality.

Actions to improve occupational health.     WORK PRACTICE: health and safety.                  G4 LA6

G4's selected parameters can be identified by blue colours in the GRI's index to this report.

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