Page 90 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 90

09 G4-18, G4-19, G4-22, G4-23, G4-27

    About the Corporate Responsibility Report

Coverage and scope

This is the tenth year in which Aqualia                    For more than three years, this report has    All variations in the scope and coverage of
releases its Corporate Responsibility Report               been following the criteria defined by the    information are given in the report in the
to provide information on its sustainability               Global Reporting Initiative G4 guide in       corresponding section. Where applicable,
commitments from an economic, social and                   accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines in      all changes to the formulas used to calcu-
environmental perspective.                                 the comprehensive option, and it has been     late the data provided are explained.
                                                           checked by an external and independent
                                                           body (AENOR).

                                                           The contents of this report correspond to
                                                           the period between 1 January 2015 and
                                                           31 December of the same year, and cover
                                                           all Aqualia activities prioritising material
                                                           information, without omitting any relevant


The substance or relevance of the contents                 Each relevant substantial aspect has been
of this report have been determined from                   analysed to identify its correspondence
Aqualia's studies and information received                 with the content and specific indicators of
from stakeholders through different estab-                 the GRI G4 Guide, and those sections that
lished channels of communication as set                    address the expectations of stakeholders
out in the 'Corporate Social Responsibility'               and Aqualia's strategy have been selected.
section of the report.                                     Additionally, other G4 sections have been
                                                           voluntarily addressed which, although not
                                                           crucial to the organisation, contribute to
                                                           greater transparency and understanding
                                                           of the company's activity.

      Corporate Social Responsibility Reports for Aqualia
90 About this report
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