Page 45 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
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Sustainability Intelligent management Helsinki
FP7 Swat (2013*) FP7 UrbanWater (2015*) Delft Berlin
IGV - Germany U. Zagreb - Croatia Oberhausen
FP7 All-gas (2018) Water JPI Motrem (2017) Southampton
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Umsicht - Germany U. Helsinki - Finland Stuttgart
Southampton University- United Kingdom U. Stuttgart - Germany
U. Torino - Italy
Turin Zagreb
CDTI BESTF2 Biowamet (2017)
Southampton University- United Kingdom Madrid
TU Delft - Netherlands
(*) Completed projects ( ) Scheduled completion date.
Improving water management efficiency is essential due to the growing exposure of European countries to water
shortage and periods of drought.
Among the European projects imple- implementation possibilities: FP7 Urban
mented in 2015, the following stand Water, Eco Innovation CleanWater, Life
out for their innovative capacity and Remembrane and Life Methamorphosis.
FP7 UrbanWater
UrbanWater, international project with backing from the EU and lead by Aqualia, proposes the development of a platform
based on information and communication technology that helps to optimise water management through innovative systems
aimed at detecting leaks, decision support systems, consumption predictions and water availability.
The project uses advanced remote reading and measuring solutions, which are made available to users on the UrbanWater,
website, allowing them to check their water consumption in real-time and change their habits to achieve a more optimised
and mindful use of water. This platform benefits both citizens and public services by helping to reduce water loss in the
distribution network, dropping energy and maintenance costs, and optimising the end-to-end water management service
by adjusting the supply to the demand.
The project has been tried and tested in Almeria and Janovice (Czech Republic), and has been implemented by a consortium
made up of 11 companies and universities from Spain, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, UK, Portugal and Croatia.
Location: Almeria (Spain) and Janovice (Czech Republic)
Duration: 01/12/2012 to 30/11/2015
Budget: €4,806,216 (Aqualia: €349,674; OVOD: €387,812)
Leader: Aqualia (Spain)
SagemcomEnergy& Telecom (France)
Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions (Spain)
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Red Skies Limited (UK)
RedkneeGmbh (Germany)
Serious Games Interactive (Denmark)
Aqualogus (Portugal)
Taviraverde - Empresa Municipal De Ambiente (Portugal)
AtekneaSolutionsCatalonia (Spain)
OvodSpol (Czech Republic)
UrbanWater is Aqualia's most international project
with participation from research centres, companies
and organisations from 8 European countries.
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