Page 65 - aq_mrsc_eng_af2low
P. 65

Objectives / Improvements (notable examples)

CONTRACT          Indicators                                       Improved contracted rates       Improvements in the
                  (notable examples)                                                               design and maintenance
La Solana                                                                                          of equipment and the
Aranda de Duero                                                                                    purchase/replacement of
CD Llanera                                                                                         equipment
Alcoy             _                                                ƒƒReduction of contracted       ƒƒReplacing a WWTP raw water
Lleida (Service)
                                                                      power in pumps.                 pump and 4 WWTP accelera-
EDAR Lleida

                  ƒƒKWh / (BOD5 ELIMINATED)                        _                               _
                    and KWh / (DQO REMOVED):
                    reduction between 25 and
                    35% in 2014.

                  ƒƒReduction of 9.0% of the EE                    ƒƒReduction of power contract-  ƒƒReplacing halogen by LED
                    (kWh) TOTAL CONSUMPTION                          ed by 33% in 2014.              bulbs and fluorescent tubes
                    in 2014.                                                                         replacing low consumption
                                                                                                     light bulbs.

                  _                                                ƒƒReduction of contracted       ƒƒInstallation of three new

                                                                      power in pumps.                 pumps and shifter.

                  _ _ ƒƒWell pump replacement for
                                                                                                                     another model for greater ef-
                                                                                                                     ficiency and performance.

                                                                                                                   ƒƒRenewal of transformer.

                  ƒƒReduction of 9.5% of the EE                    ƒƒReduction of contracted       ƒƒChange of fluorescent lights
                                                                                                     for leds.
                     (kWh) TOTAL CONSUMPTION.                         power in pumps.
                                                                                                   ƒƒInstallation of thermostats in

                                                                                                   ƒƒInstallation of new electrical
                                                                                                     box in offices with consump-
                                                                                                     tion totalizer per plant and per
                                                                                                     concept (cold/hot air, light and

                  ƒƒBOD5 KWh / kg eliminated in                    _                               ƒƒInternal ventilation and recir-
                    the reactors: reduction of 40%                                                   culation management in the
                    in 2014.                                                                         bioreactor.

                  ƒƒKWh / kg KWh / kg eliminated                                                   ƒƒReplacement of the service
                    in the reactors: reduction of                                                    water tank stirrer.
                    75% in 2014.

The participation of the company’s pioneering study in Spain          This study has highlighted Aqualia’s outstanding management
“Joint optimization of water use and energy” is worth noting,         carried out locally as one of the keys that explains the efficiency
conducted by researchers from theTechnological Water Institute        of the municipal water service on energy.
(ITA) and the Aqualia team in Alcoy.

Aqualia, member of the Group for Green Growth

Aqualia has joined the Spanish Green Growth Group, an initiative      One of the great interests of the Green Growth Group is to ask
that emerged in 2013 in the framework of the European Union           the European Commission to implement as soon as possible,
that brings together companies involved in the fight against          the 2030 package, which includes legislative proposals in the
climate change.                                                       European EmissionsTrading System (ETS) and effort distribution
                                                                      in the non-traded sector, LULUCF (land use, changing land use
One of the challenges for the Green Growth Group is to                and forestry) and transportation emissions. It also takes account
promote the participation of companies in order to advance            of the review of energy efficiency targets of the Europe 2020
together towards a sustainable growth, recognizing the                strategy.
important role of renewable energies, energy efficiency and
other sustainable technologies. It also advocates for a rapid and
robust implementation of a Market Stability Reserve to provide
the necessary push to invest in efficient low carbon economy.

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