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Water Footprint

The Water Footprint calculation study conducted in 2014 in order
to determine the impact of water consumption in Cantabria
has been considered emblematic. In order to carry it out, there
has been an specific collaboration between a private company
expert in the management of the complete urban water cycle,
such as Aqualia, the most familiar foundation in Spain, as is the
Botín Foundation, and public universities like the Complutense
University , the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the
University of Cantabria.

Aqualia considers important to highlight the convenience of using                 Presentation of the study of the Water Footprint and virtual water of Cantabria
such methodologies and calculations as an increasingly vital                                 developed by the Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation with the
and effective tool in water planning of regions and territories,                                             collaboration of Aqualia and the Government of Cantabria.
so that managers in the matter have a greater comprehensive
knowledge on the the hydraulic balance and the actual balance.               Aqualia performedthe first
                                                                             collaborative study in orderto
The work carried out has shown that water is not only a major                calculatethe water footprint in Spain,
natural resource for the region, but also helps to put it in value           becoming a reference inthe sector
as an financial and social asset of crucial importance.


                                                                             Energy Management System

                                                                             Aqualia is committed to energy efficiency as one of the pillars
                                                                             for sustainability. Reducing energy consumption directly affects
                                                                             environmental improvement, but also reduces costs for end
                                                                             users. Electricity consumption represents 8% of the service cost.

                                                                             In 2011, Aqualia initiated the implementation of a Energy
                                                                             Management System under the UNE-EN ISO 50.001:2011
                                                                             standard, aimed at reducing emissions and improving efficiency
                                                                             of resources. Subsequently, given the good results, deployments
                                                                             in new centres have continued and finally in this 2014 two new
                                                                             locations have been added, Lleida and Aranda del Duero.

Presentation of a pioneering study in Spain for energy optimization          By 2015, the company wants to take a final step and get the
                                      of the complete water cycle in Alcoy.  implementation of a Global Energy Management System
                                                                             throughout all Aqualia, which will further reduce emissions and
                                                                             fuel consumption and a greater control over them.

                                                                             The main improvements in energy efficiency made ​i​n 2014
                                                                             in the certified centres are:

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