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Lines of Action 2014

In 2014, Aqualia has continued to promote initiatives aimed
at improving energy efficiency and awareness of responsible
water use.

❚❚Carbon Footprint.       Energy                                       Awareness of     ❚❚Awareness
                       efficiency                                      the responsible    campaigns.
❚❚Water Footprint.                                                     use of water

❚❚Energy management

❚❚Member of the Group
  for Green Growth.

Energy efficiency

In 2014, there have been several actions aimed at improving
efficiency in the use of resources in Aqualia, which have been
translated into a qualitative leap in terms of environmental

Carbon Footprint

The company’s will to fight against climate change is a fact that
becomes more relevant every year, and that is evident by the
actions aimed at controlling emissions from its activities.

Proof of this is that already in 2013, through Aigües de Lleida,
Aqualia became the first Spanish company in the water sector
to calculate and verify its carbon footprint.

In 2014 it went a step further and Aqualia Infraestructuras                    Managers from WWTP Lleida along with representatives from the City Hall.
managed successfully to calculate and verify their Carbon
Footprint, based on the UNEEN ISO 14064-1: 2012, identifying           Aqualia Infraestructuras has
and quantifying the direct and indirect emissions released into        successfully calculated and verified
the atmosphere.The study results will be included in the Ministry      its water its carbon footprint
of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) in 2015 and
will identify new environmental improvements and develop new
initiatives aimed at eco-efficient management of resources.

In 2015 calculating the carbon footprint in all activities of Aqualia
has been set as a target, which is a very ambitious challenge
evidence of its environmental commitment.

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