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01.01 Message from the CEO
A place in the world
I have considered that the title of a beautiful film would be During 2014 more than 3.2 billion euros were invested in R&D.
appropriate to introduce Aqualia’s ninth Corporate Social Aqualia has worked with 22 national and 7 international centres
Responsibility. for the development of 17 projects with 8 patents pending that
require the dedication and commitment of highly specialized
Trends that provide a broader view of the traditional business workforce. With this we are getting ahead of developments in
objective are gaining adherents. Employees, suppliers and the sector with R&D projects which can be safely applied in
customers also have contractual relationships with the company the market. This work is being recognized, since last November
that will undoubtedly give them rights. The company is then we were awarded with the Innovation + Sustainability + Net
understood as a mechanism of coordination of specific actions Award, awarded by the EXPANSIÓN newspaper, through the
from all stakeholders, making it necessary that their relations are ELAN project.
based on mutual trust and commitment towards the company.
Achieving that, however, is no easy task. Working in this regard The company also has joined the Spanish Group for Green
is Aqualia’s commitment and we do it every day. I hope we have Growth. An initiative that emerged in 2013 in the framework
been able to reflect that in this document by stating specific of the European Union and which brings companies together
facts about our business. involved in the fight against climate change.
In Aqualia, our mission and the place we want to occupy in the A place in the world. Returning to the title of the film, the success
everyday life of the consumer in the world goes beyond the of Aqualia’s activity, and I have no doubt about this, is due to
legitimate pursuit of corporate profits. the professionalism and quality of the 7,639 people who are
part of the company the company. 19.3% of them work outside
Thus, by pursuing an innovative and different positioning we of Spain as first line protagonists of an international expansion
intend, for example, to develop an environmental commitment that allows us to maintain our activity in a total of 20 countries,
in all areas of the company, applying the best environmental focusing on international growth in the EU and in areas such as
practices in daily work; thus becoming pioneers, as reflected Latin America and the Middle East.This increasing development
in the collaboration between Aqualia and the Botín Foundation reflects the enormous adaptability of the company to the different
for a study on Cantabria’s Water Footprint which ended in 2014. social and technical realities. The professionalism, experience
Also last year, Aqualia Infraestructuras managed successfully to and innovation in the development of projects that address the
calculate and verify their Carbon Footprint, based on the UNE- various stages of the complete water cycle have been key to
EN ISO 14064-1: 2012, identifying and quantifying the direct the international expansion.
and indirect emissions released into the atmosphere in order
to reduce them. “Companies are a powerfultoolto
improvethe worldthat we do not
4 MESSAGE like,that isthe key ofthe Social