Page 8 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 8


          Aqualia in 2017

                  01    January                   02     February                    03     March

                  The value of water                 Saudi Water &                      Children’s
                     management                   Environment Forum                  drawing contest
                 Aqualia’s campaign to           Aqualia participates in the    Launch of the fifteenth edition
                  dispel the false myths        Saudi Water & Environment       of the international children’s
               about comprehensive water         Forum 2017, a benchmark           digital drawing contest.
                     management.                 event for the water sector
                                                     in Saudi Arabia.             Mentoring Programme
              Environmental Education                                           Closure of the second edition
                     Programme                     Healthy Company              of the Mentoring Programme.
               Lleida elected officials from      Lleida blood drive. The
                different political parties    initiative is part of the Healthy
               visited the city’s WWTP to         Company programme.
              learn its role in the framework
                of Lleida’s environmental
                 education programme.

                     07    July                    08      August                09     September

                   Partnership with                   Commitment                    Study on services
                  Local Governments                    to Caritas
                                                                                The water supply, the service
                 Aqualia and the Bilbao         Aqualia donates an amount       most appreciated by citizens.
              consortium undertake various    equivalent to the water service   Aqualia stands to benefit from
                actions within a campaign       bills in the different centres    a study conducted by the
                 to showcase the value           located in up to 80 towns
                      of tap water.              throughout Spain where it      consultant Ipsos for the Urban
                                                    carries out service.            Services Observatory
                      Together in                                                (OSUR) in Spain’s 30 most
                     catastrophes                    Recognition by                   populated cities.
                                                       Forética of
                 Exemplary engagement           Aqualia’s communication              Family business
               of Aqualia employees during         plan for Ibiza and             Conclusion of the drawing
                  the Doñana wildfires.
                                                      Formentera                contest open to the children,
                                                                                  grandchildren, nieces and
                                                   Aqualia’s 2015/2020             nephews of employees.
                                               Communication Plan for Ibiza
                                                 and Formentera has been
                                               recognised by Forética for its
                                                contribution to sustainability
                                                      on the islands.

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
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