Page 23 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 23


         Aqualia entered the                 Sohar port area for 20 years
         country with a 78.9 million         in association with the Omani
         comprehensive water cycle           government-owned company
         management contract for the         Majis.


         With a view to fortifying           through the Italian government’s             10 years
         the position of Aqualia’s           “Pact for the South” programme.
         Italian subsidiary Caltaqua,        The budget surpasses fifteen                  certifying
         the company unveiled an             million euros and the most                 service quality at
         ambitious plan to connect           significant action will be the                 Caltaqua
         all of its urban users to the       improvement and adaptation
         sanitation service through          of the Contrada Cammarella                  €15 millon
         four specific projects funded       treatment plant.                                budget

         United Kingdom

         With the positive results of        in 2017, the contract was
         the pilot plant for recovering      extended for another 6 months.
         nutrients from sludge
         dewatering for Thames Water


         Engineering, construction           Arraiján wastewater                      Water treatment for
         and 10-year operation               treatment plant, which will               130,000 people
         project contract award for the      purify water for 130,000 people.


         Commencement of the                 Bogotá and the San Silvestre
         development of the                  WWTP project in
         El Salitre WWTP project in          Barrancabermeja (Colombia).

                            INDUSTRY, INNOVATION   Aqualia invests heavily in infrastructures in Spain and
                            AND INFRASTRUCTURE
                                       internationally in countries lacking water infrastructures,
                                       where needing an effective management of their existing
                                       resources, such as in Latin America, or with serious
                                       water access issues, such as Egypt. These are only a
                             RESPONSIBLE  few of the examples of the areas where the company
                             CONSUMPTION  is allocating its financial and technological resources to
                             AND PRODUCTION
                                       foster social stability and improve the quality of life of
                                       people at all corners of the globe.

         03 EXPERTS IN COMPREHENSIVE WATER MANAGEMENT                                                        23
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