Page 22 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 22
international projects in 2017
In line with the established The portfolio of international 44.06% of the turnover
course, international activity projects rose to €6,517 million, corresponds to international
gained traction in comparison a figure that complements activities, which is 2.6% more
with the previous year in terms the €8,275 million in the solid than the 2016 turnover.
of Aqualia turnover, which portfolio of national projects.
reached 44.06% of the total.
Design, construction and of water daily that will provide
operation of the Abu Rawash service to 6 million people. The Service will be
WWTP in Cairo (Egypt). initial maintenance management provided to
The construction work in period will be three years and 6 million people
collaboration with FCC the Egyptian government
Construcción will entail the is bearing all the costs. This 1.6 million m 3
construction of a plant capable contract shores up Aqualia’s of water a day
of processing 1.6 million m position in the country.
Saudi Arabia
At the end of 2017, Aqualia plants, each one processing
renewed the operation 250,000 m /day, and extended 250,000 m /day
and maintenance contract the treatment capacity at the every day
for the Haddah and Arana Arana plant.
An important agreement was scheduled to commence in the regularise concepts for which
signed with the Sonatrach second half of 2018 and should the client has not been billed
desalination plant in last 2 years. Two agreements since commissioning and also
Mostaganem to build a new were also signed concerning the increase the profitability of both
capture facility to increase operation and maintenance projects.
the plant’s production capacity. of the Mostaganem and Cap
The construction work is Djinet plants that would
Bucharest selected the The facilities represent the
consortium comprising largest public tender contract Service will
Aqualia, FCC Construcción in the sector in Europe in 2017. be provided to
and Suez to modernize Upon conclusion it will provide
and expand the Glina service to 2.4 million people. 2.4 million people
Wastewater Treatment The contract was financed
Plant (WWTP). with European cohesion
funds and is scheduled to
be commissioned in 2019.