Page 11 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 11
G4-4, G4-8, G4-17 09
With regard to the new structure of Aqualia's Senior Management
Corporate Departments, it is worth Félix Parra
highlighting the creation of the Water
Engineering and Technology Management Economic and Finance Manager Human Resources Manager
division, which is responsible for designing Isidoro Marbán Carmen Rodríguez
urban and industrial water treatment sys-
tems, as well as planning and implementing Legal Affairs Manager Development Manager
individual projects, in coordination with Elena Barroso Antonio Vassal’lo
territorial organisation, both nationally and
Communication and CSR Manager Studies and Operations Manager
Juan Pablo Merino Pedro Rodríguez
Water Engineering and Technology Client Management and IT
Manager Manager
Javier Santiago Manuel Castañedo
Aqualia: covering all stages of the water cycle
Aqualia primarily engages in the manage- These services include the design and Aqualia also offers global solutions and
ment of municipal water services and the construction of wastewater and desalina- operational capacity to design, develop
operation of major Building, Operate and tion treatment plants, where due to our and manage turnkey projects and facilities,
Transfer projects. technological development, experience on whilst adapting them to the needs and
project management and excellent service requirements of each client and country.
The company has also opted for diversifica- quality Aqualia is regarded as one of the
tion, becoming the only company in Spain, global benchmark companies, with major Aqualia provides a service to
and one of the few in the world, capable of projects over the length and breadth of more than 23.5 million people.
providing any service related to the different Spain as well as in other countries such as
uses of water. Algeria, Egypt, Czech Republic or Mexico.
Municipal water High value-added Water Operation and Water
services. services Public infrastructure maintenance. infrastructure
management design and concession.
support. construction.
Company 11