Page 92 - aq_mrsc_eng_af2low
P. 92

G4-EN13  ƒƒIndicate the size and location of all protected or restored habitat areas and indicate whether the success of restoration actions was or is being verified by independent external professionals.
         ƒƒIndicate whether partnerships exist with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas other than those where the organization has overseen or implemented restoration or protection measures.
         ƒƒDescribe the state of the area at the end of the period covered by the report.
         ƒƒExplain what standards, methods and assumptions were applied in the calculation.

G4-EN14  Indicate the number of species on the IUCN Red List and national conservation lists with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of endangered species:
         ƒƒcritically endangered; in danger; vulnerable; near threatened or lesser concern.


G4-EN15  ƒƒIndicate gross direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, excluding emission trading, that is, purchase, sale or transfer of rights and compensation.
         ƒƒIndicate which gases are included in the calculation (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 or all of them).
         ƒƒIndicate biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, regardless of gross direct GHG emissions (Scope 1).

G4-EN16  ƒƒIndicate gross indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, excluding emission trading, that is, purchase, sale or transfer of rights and compensation.

G4-EN17  ƒƒIndicate any other gross indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, excluding indirect emissions from electricity generation, heating, cooling and steam that the organization acquires and
          consumes (these indirect emissions are contained in the G4-EN16 Indicator). Trade allowances should not be considered, that is, the purchase, sale or transfer of rights and compensation.

         ƒƒIf possible, indicate which gases have been included in the calculation.
         ƒƒIndicate biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, regardless of other gross indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3).
         ƒƒIndicate which other categories of indirect emissions (Scope 3) and activities are included in the calculation.

G4-EN18  ƒƒIndicate the intensity of GHG emissions.
         ƒƒExplain what measurement (the denominator of the fraction) has the organization used to calculate the ratio.
         ƒƒIndicate what types of GHG emissions are included in the calculation of the intensity - direct (Scope 1), indirect for power generation (Scope 2) and other indirect emissions (Scope 3).
         ƒƒIndicate which gases have been included in the calculation.

G4-EN19  ƒƒPoint out what reductions of GHG emissions are a direct result of initiatives to that end (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent).
         ƒƒIndicate which gases are included in the calculation (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 or all of them).
         ƒƒIndicate what base year or benchmark has been used and why.
         ƒƒExplain what standards, methods and assumptions were applied in the calculation.
         ƒƒIndicate whether the reductions occurred in the direct GHG emissions (Scope 1), indirect emissions for power generation (Scope 2) or other indirect emissions (Scope 3).

G4-EN20  ƒƒState the production, imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in metric tons of CFC-11 equivalent.
         ƒƒIndicate which substances have been included in the calculation.
         ƒƒExplain what standards, methods and assumptions were applied in the calculation.
         ƒƒIndicate which source has been used to calculate emission factors.

G4-EN21  ƒƒIndicate the number of significant air emissions in kilograms or multiples of kilogram of: NOX; SOX; persistent organic pollutants (POPs); volatile organic compounds (VOCs); hazardous air pollutants (CAP); particulate
          matter (PM) and other standardized categories of air emissions identified in the relevant legislation.

         ƒƒExplain what standards, methods and assumptions were applied in the calculation. Indicate which source has been used to calculate emission factors.


G4-EN22  ƒƒIndicate the total volume of water discharges, foreseen and unforeseen, broken down by: destination; water quality, including the method of treatment and whether it was reused by another organization.
         ƒƒExplain what standards, methods and assumptions were applied in the calculation.

G4-EN23  ƒƒEnter the total weight of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, according to the methods of disposal: reuse; recycling; composting; recovery, including energy recovery; incineration (mass burning); deep well injection;
          landfill; storage site; and others (which must be specified by the reporting organization).

         ƒƒExplain how the disposal method was determined:
          ‚‚ the reporting organization took over directly, or directly confirmed;
          ‚‚ the contractor in charge of the waste removal provided the information;
          ‚‚ default procedures from the waste removal contractor.

G4-EN24  ƒƒIndicate the number and total volume of recorded significant spills. For each of the spills included in the financial statements of the organization, provide the following information: location of the spill; volume of the
          spill; material spilled into the following categories: oil spills (soil or water surfaces); fuel spills (soil or water surfaces); waste spills (soil or water surfaces); chemical spills (mainly soil or water surfaces) and others
          (which must be specified by the reporting organization).

         ƒƒDescribe the consequences of significant spills.

G4-EN25  ƒƒProvide the total weight of: transported hazardous waste; imported hazardous waste; exported hazardous waste and treated hazardous waste.
         ƒƒIndicate the percentage of hazardous waste transported internationally.

G4-EN26  Indicate which water bodies and related habitats have been significantly affected by water discharges, according to the criteria described in the Compilation (below) section and provide data on:
         ƒƒsize of the body of water and related habitat; if the mass of water and related habitats are classified as (national or international) protected areas and value in terms of biodiversity (e.g., number of protected species).


G4-EN27  ƒƒReport quantitatively the degree of mitigation of the environmental impacts of products and services during the period covered by the report.
         ƒƒIf use-oriented figures are given, indicate the underlying assumptions regarding consumption patterns or normalization factors.

G4-EN28  ƒƒIndicate what percentage of the products and their packaging materials is regenerated in each product category.
         ƒƒExplain how the data for this indicator were obtained.


G4-EN29  ƒƒState significant fines and non-monetary sanctions in terms of: total monetary value of significant sanctions; number of non-monetary sanctions and procedures brought before arbitration institutions.
         ƒƒIf the reporting organization has not identified any breach of legislation or regulations, just a brief statement to this effect will be enough.


G4-EN30  ƒƒDescribe the significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the activities of the organization as well as the transport of personnel. If quantitative data are not
          provided, explain why.

         ƒƒExplain how the environmental impacts of transporting products, members of the personnel of the organization and other goods and materials are being mitigated.
         ƒƒDescribe the criteria and methods that have been used to determine which environmental impacts are significant.


G4-EN31  Report on environmental protection expenditures broken down by: costs of waste treatment and emission treatment and restoration and prevention and environmental management costs.


G4-EN32  Percentage of new suppliers that were examined based on environmental criteria.

G4-EN33  ƒƒIndicate the number of suppliers whose environmental impact has been assessed.
         ƒƒIndicate how many suppliers have been determined to have a real significant negative impact on the environment.
         ƒƒIndicate what real and potential significant negative environmental impacts have been discovered in the supply chain.
         ƒƒIndicate the percentage of suppliers with significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts and which improvements have been agreed after evaluation.
         ƒƒIndicate the percentage of suppliers with significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts and with which the relationship has been terminated as a result of the evaluation, and explain the reasons.

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