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09 G4-24 • G4-25 • G4-26 • G4-27                                                      CSR principles
       Aqualia has defined a Corporate Responsibility Management                      FCC Group Strategy
       System, based on a continuous improvement cycle that responds                  FCC Master Plan
       to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders:                             Code of Ethics


Stakeholders             Measurement, analysis         CSR
                            and improvement        Committee


The system is structured around an CSR Internal Committee             “Aqualia is committed to acting with integrity, honesty
comprising representatives of the main areas of the company           and in a transparent manner; from the management
and whose main purpose is to ensure compliance with the               team down to the operational level of the organization. “
Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility:
                                                                      CSR principles

The principles are rolled out in the FCC Group Strategy and are       Aqualia’s stakeholders are understood as all those individuals,
specified in a CSR Master Plan that includes specific actions         organizations or institutions that affect or are affected by the
and goals.                                                            decisions of the FCC Group. The following have been identified:

Based on this system, the impact of each action are analysed
and updated, adapting to the real expectations of stakeholders.

Public authorities       Consumer           Media                     Users           Suppliers      Employees
                         organizations and                                            Strategic and  Operating
                         NGOs                                                         Local          Structure
Municipal,               Consumer           Local, National and Irrigation                           Structure
Regional, National       Organizations      International             Associations                   Production
and European             Communities                                                                 Personnel (Middle
Prices                   and Irrigation     Town Council              Neighbourhood                  management)
Commission               Associations       Communication             Associations                   Production
                                            Offices                   Public Centres                 Personnel
                         Ecologist          News Agencies             Industries                     (Contract
                         Organization                                                                personnel)

                                                                      Town Councils

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