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615,463,970 m3 of produced drinking water
69,522 km of managed networks
in infrastructure investment
23.1 million euros drinking water treatment centres
Over 200 operated water treatment plants
Over 300 quality assessments
02.02 International expansion
❚❚Adaptation to customer needs based on our experience.
❚❚Demonstrated professionalism.
❚❚High capacity.
❚❚Innovation and cutting-edge technology.
❚❚Consolidated project.
Guillermo Moya
Manager of International Development
Aqualia is a leading water management company in the world. Currently, Aqualia operates in a total of 22 countries such as
This implementation is a reflection of the great adaptability Italy, Poland, Saudi Arabia and China, accounting for 20.9% of
of the company to different social and technical realities. The the total turnover of the company.
professionalism and innovation in the development of projects
that address all phases of the integral water cycle have been With an eye to the future, Aqualia establishes its international
key to achieving greater international expansion. growth strategy in the member countries of the EU and the
development of water infrastructures in other areas such as
Latin America and the Middle East.
Aqualia is one of the leading citizen services groups in Europe. It
is therefore well established on this continent, not to mention the
ongoing work linked to innovation and entry into new markets,
such as France for example.
Spain, Italy, Portugal and the Czech Republic are among the
countries where Aqualia is an organization already entrenched,
managing the public service concession of water.
Customer service office of Caltaqua.
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